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Tessa's POV

Wanda stood in front of me, her eyes closed as she focused on her powers. We sat in the grass, her hands crossed in her lap. She asked for me to go with her while she meditated. She said it helped her after everything that happened as being an Avenger. It was sad to think that even hero's like her were blamed for what had happened while she was trying to save people.

I knew that Bucky had issues with what he's done, but I never thought that these hero's who everyone calls upon when they need saving would be blamed for the ones they can't save. Not everyone can be saved and these people took that to heart. 

Wanda told me that she always went into the meadow to meditate before she went on missions. She told me that even though they weren't technically Avengers anymore, they wanted to keep helping people. They couldn't be nearly as obvious as they were before, but the group that was wanted by the country that most of them came from. 

T'Challa had told Steve to get a group together to go on a mission about a new Red Room in Russia. The group would be gone for almost four months in an undercover job. Knowing it had something to do with the Red Room, I knew Natasha would be going. I knew Steve was leading the group. I only hoped Bucky wouldn't be there with Natasha. 

I'd seen how Natasha looked at him when she thought I wasn't looking. I knew she wanted him and I knew that she would pounce on him if she was given the chance. I didn't want to give her that chance if I could stop it. 

Footsteps behind me jostled me from my fears, turning my attention to Steve as he walked to the brunette who sat across from me and myself. He was dressed as a normal person in a white shirt and jeans. His feet had black sneakers. 

"Hey Wanda, hey Tess. I'm just hear to let Wanda know. Can you pack and get ready to leave in an hour?" Steve asked, his eyes completely on Wanda. I knew he wasn't going to take me with him. Why take your daughter on a mission where she might get hurt? 

Wanda didn't speak as she stood. She just nodded and walked back towards the house. It was kind of obvious that it was taking a toll on her to go on the missions like this. Her walk was tense and I was kind of sorry for her.

Steve turned to walk away, but my wonder, and fear got the best of me. I stood up and grabbed his arm quickly." Wait. Who's all going?" I asked softly, afraid to hear the answer. 

Steve sighed and looked at me. "Me, Wanda, Tasha, Sam and Bucky." He said softly. 

I knew I shouldn't have felt so hurt by the thought that Steve put Natasha and my Bucky on the same team, but I did. I knew that if Bucky and Tasha went on this mission together, they'd only get closer. I know what Bucky told me, but the thoughts were still there. The fear was still there, pulling at my heart with every beat. 

Steve sighed as he looked at me. I didn't know what he wanted to say. He thought better of it and said something different instead. "They won't be alone, Tess. Bucky cares about you and I will make sure Bucky is with me or Wanda or Sam. Does that make it better?" He offered.

He was trying to help me get over the fears and the insecurities that I feel when it comes to Natasha and Bucky. I felt a little happier at the end of the talk, knowing that Steve wouldn't Natasha and my soulmate alone together. But before they left, I needed to make things certain with Bucky.

I walked towards the room Bucky and I had basically shared since the night I went to him after his nightmare. Sure, I kept my things in the room T'Challa gave me but that was only because Steve wouldn't like it if I completely moved into one room with Bucky. I spent every night with Bucky and we spent most of our time in his room, just talking. 

I knocked on his door gently, hoping he'd be there to answer. He was.

He swung the door open and smiled at me. His right arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his room, his metal one closing the door behind me. "I hoped you'd stop by before I had to leave." He smiled and pressed a kiss to my neck. 

My head began to swam, all thought went to the lips that grazed, kissed and began to lightly suck. My hands gripped his shoulders as he gently pushed me backward, my back hitting the door. His body pressed in tight against mine as his kisses to my neck turned from sweet and gentle to rough and passionate. His hands gripped my waist, one of his thighs between mine. 

I whimpered softly, pulling on his hair gently. He growled softly and kissed my lips with a force that made my thoughts go blank. All that mattered was here and now. The way he held me, kissed me showed me that all he wanted was me. 

What he wanted... The mission.

I felt the heat from the way he was touching me melt away as I knew I needed to talk before he left, not just make out. We'd pushed our limits so many times in the last few days that eventually we wouldn't be able to stop. I didn't want that moment to be only an hour before he left for four months. 

I pulled my lips from his, but this didn't seem to stop him. He just moved back to my neck. I bit my lip and gently pushed at his shoulders. "Buck, wait. We need to talk." I said softly. 

He instantly pulled away. His attention was completely on me as he took a small step backward, showing that he was listening. 

"Before you go, I talked to Steve. He told me that Natasha is going on the mission and all I'm asking is if you don't spend alone time with her." I said softly, my chest constricting as I listened for his answer.

Bucky smiled and nodded. "If that's what you want, okay."

"Then my answer is yes." 

Bucky's eyes went to mine. "Did you just..." He trailed off, smiling slightly.

"My answer is  yes, Bucky. I'll be yours." 

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