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Bucky's POV

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. My heart was pounding and I had to focus on the color of my walls to keep from going to her. She walked by the movie room in her work out clothes and I instantly had to get back to my room. She's walked by in the tightest little black shorts I'd ever seen. And not to mention the black tank top she wore wasn't helping the thoughts that were entering my mind.

I had been able to suppress those thoughts for the past 6 days by very careful navigation and sleeping until noon so I would risk one less meal of seeing her. And cold showers. Lots of cold showers. Tessa wasn't exactly modest with her clothes, not that it bothered me. Well, I made sure the other men in the house avoided her.  

I wasn't used to being told no to when it came to a woman I wanted. I'd very rarely been turned down in the 1940's, but I was telling myself no about Tessa. I knew there was no way Steve would let it slide. Right?

"James Buchanan fucking Barnes! Get your ass over here!" I heard Steve yell through the halls. He never cussed around the other Avengers. Nobody knows why, but I was sure it was so he could mess with the other men and women who knew him. 

I jerked to my feet and walked out into the hall to see why Steve was screaming in the hallway. He walked toward me, walking quickly and so pissed. "What the hell is your issue?" I asked, frowning at him.

Steve growled and pushed me into my room, slamming the door closed behind him. "You bastard! Have you seen her wrist yet? What are the initials on your wrist, Barnes?" He growled, pushing me into the wall as he grabbed for my right wrist trying to look at the initials.

I growled, pushing him back with my metal arm. "Fuck off Steven! Who my soul mate is is none of your damn business!" 

"It is my business if your soul mate is my fucking daughter!" Steve yelled, his chest puffed up.

I completely froze, staring at him for a minute. How did he find out? Nobody has ever seen my initials and everyone hides their initials to new people. "How...?" I trailed off, unsure of how to word that certain question

Anger burned in Steve's eyes as he stared me. "How did I know? I saw her wrist. She doesn't exactly hide the letters from people. She doesn't even know what they mean Bucky. She thinks Hydra put the letters on her wrist." He growled and sat on my bed. I thought he was starting to calm down until he looked at me again. "What are your letters, Barnes?" He said, his voice leaving no room for argument. 

I sighed and slowly rolled up my sleeve, turning to show Steve. "T.J.C." I said, knowing full well he already knew that Tessa was meant for me. Fate seemed to love her cruel little jokes, like making my soul mate the daughter of my best friend. 

"Tessa James Carter." Steve mumbled, looking at the initials on my wrist. 

I paused and looked at him. "Wait, Tessa James Carter?" I asked gently, a frown settling on my face. 

Steve chuckled in a darker way that usual and nodded. "Peggy named her after you. She knew that I was broken when you fell off the train and she put Tessa's middle name as James to honor your sacrifice."

I sighed and looked at Steve. "I'm trying to ignore her Steven. It's so fucking difficult when the soul mate bond is trying to pull me to her. It's so hard to look at her while she talks to T'Challa and I've even made sure that the other guys in this place don't see her." I said, now looking down at my hands. 

Steve paused and looked at me. "Do you care about her, Buck?" 

I looked at Steve, trying to keep my anger from showing to him. "Do I care? Steve, she's all I've been thinking about. I can't stop thinking about her and it's starting to make me go insane and I know that I can't have her and that's worse than actually seeing her."

Steve raised an eyebrow at me and took a step towards me. "Bucky, I'm her father not her ruler. I want her to be happy and I want her to be with a man who cares about her. If you won't cherish her and you won't care about her enough to fight for her, then I won't let you near her. You are her soul mate Buck. I want you to be happy, but if you hurt her, I will not hesitate to kill you." 

I stared at Steve for a second before looking down at my crossed arms. One had her initials on the wrist and the other could kill without second thought. Which one ruled my life?

I wanted to be with her but I was so damn scared of hurting that beautiful woman. 

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