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Bucky's POV

I watched the girl, Tessa talk with Steve. Steve was tense after she said something, but I didn't hear what had upset my best friend. The girl kept distracting me. She had dirty blonde hair that was naturally curled and rested half-way down her back. I knew that if it were straightened, it would just barely touch her ass.

She had her back to me, but I could still see her face. She had an innocent face. She had a heart shaped face, high cheekbones and full, pink lips. She had eyes that were something I'd never seen before. Her right eye matched the color of Steve's blue eyes but the left was the green that Steve had before the serum turned them blue. Her face may have a childlike innocence to it, but her body was something entirely different. She was short, which seemed a bit strange for a super soldier, but it fitted her. She had a petite frame, tiny waist and fragile looking shoulders. Her chest was confined by the suit the guards kept us in for cryo. Her waist melted into a nice, bubble butt and firm thighs. Back in the 40's, she was the ideal kind of girl I'd go after.

Of course, when I messed around with women in the 40's, I kept the initials of my soulmate hidden from them. It was normal to cover the initials with a ribbon or something like that. I used a watch. I didn't want the girl in my bed knowing that her initials were not on my wrist. I didn't have to look at my right wrist to see the letters in my mind. T.JC.

The girl talking to Steve acted like she didn't know who he was. She knew me, from Hydra but she wasn't afraid of me, for good reason. I was never able to beat her in our fights. If I was able to get my left arm on her, I'd be able to win, but she was so damn quick, she wouldn't let me.

Steve walked back over to me, Tessa moving to fly the plane. Steve was putting a lot of trust in this former Hydra soldier. He walked to me, helping me sit up, my balance a bit thrown off from the face that I was missing an arm. Steve sighed and stood beside me as I watched Tessa fly the quinjet.

"Steve, you don't even really know this girl. Why are you letting her fly?" I asked, unable to really pull my eyes from the brunette girl.

"Bucky, there's something I gotta tell you. You obviously know that Peggy and I...got along. Well, the night that I was transformed into Captain America, Peggy and I slept together. She told me a while ago that she got pregnant with my child." Steve said, watching me carefully.

"Wait just a second. You have a kid?" I asked, staring at him. Steve looked a little scared to keep talking.

"Peggy said the child was taken about four years after her birth by Hydra. I've been trying to find her for quite a while now. I haven't been able to find her and then this whole thing started between Tony and I, and I focused on helping you and Peggy told me that she named our daughter Tessa James Carter. The girl in there is named Tessa James Carter." Steve said.

I froze and looked at Tessa, who was focused on flying instead of our conversation, which was a better decision on her part. Tessa James Carter. T.J.C? That's not possible. My soulmate was from the 40's, there wasn't any way that my best friend's daughter was my soulmate. I'd end up asking her about her initials later if she decided to stay.

"So what are you going to do? Did you tell her that she might be your daughter? How are you going to test it?" I found myself slightly rambling. I didn't know how else to respond to my best friend having a secret daughter who was kidnapped and raised in Hydra and the girl flying the plane right now may be his daughter.

Steve sighed. "I don't know what to do about it. No, I didn't tell her that I think she's my daughter. T'Challa said he's going to help us and he said he'd run a DNA test for me to see if she really is my daughter. And if she is," He sighed as he tried to put his thoughts into words. "I'll explain that she always has a place with us and I'll make sure she's always safe."

I heard a sigh leave my body. "Steve, she's not just some normal girl. Tessa was a very dangerous girl among Hydra. She was the leader of the death squad. A lot of people feared her and she can completely protect herself." I explained.

"She was a Winter Soldier?" Steve's hands tightened into fists.

"Yes, I was. And then I refused to kill one time and they locked me up in cyro. If either of you are going to talk about me, you might as well invite me to be part of the conversation." Tessa said, frowning at both of us. She had a hip jutted out, her arms crossed over her chest. Her different colored eyes didn't hold the same childlike timidness that I'd seen as she cleaned the blood off my face.

Steve sighed softly and nodded. "Okay, that seems fair. Bucky was just telling me about your place in Hydra history. I didn't want to send you into a panic attack from talking about it." He made up an excuse quickly, his fingers drumming against the belt on his suit, which was his tell that he was lying.

Tessa's eyes went to his fingers and I could see in her eyes that she knew he was lying to her. The soldiers were trained to look for the tells for lying and Steve was already horrible at lying to people. Tessa was probably the top trained soldier, there's no way he'd get past her senses.

"Yeah sure. I just wanted to say that we're about to land in Wakanda, the guy you were talking to before is landing before us so I know where to take the plane down." Tessa said, turning to go back to the pilots seat.

Steve stopped her. "I'll land the plane. Talk to Bucky about something while land and talk to T'Challa."

Steve got back in the pilots seat, leaving me and Tessa by ourselves. Tessa walked to the bucket of warm water and pulled up her sleeves to get the rag out. My eyes went to her right wrist and I froze, looking at the soulmate initials.


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