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That night he broke. He was left in the woods alone. The cold wind rippled his coat and his hair waved wildy. He screamed in anger. Everything ripped from beneath his hands. He was so close. The proof was right there but his "partner" took it. That was what pissed him off most. He was lied to. He thought he found someone. Someone who had mutual agreement with him. The keyword was thought. Because they weren't. It was a sham. A facade. He had good intentions but in the end he was fake and good intentions didn't matter anymore. Dib sobbed out into the blackness of the night. No one believed him. No one trusted him. They all thought he was insane, including that Dwicky guy. Of course until he saw the proof himself. He thought maybe Dwicky would believe him then and help him. But no, nothing ever landed on Dib's side. The man up and left, with his proof. His camera. His work. It wasn't fair. No one cared for him. Anything good was torn away from him. He was broken. Nothing could fix him. And in the end all he could do was break. Because that was all he was good for.

This is just really short drabble

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