Summer of Qrow Chapter 1

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The Summer of Qrow

(Years ago in home/ office of Ozpin) Taiyang, Qrow, Summer Rose, and Raven are all there with Ozpin

Raven: This is a suicide mission! There is no way we can win!

Summer: We have to try! We can't let them get the relic. If they do, all hope is lost.

Qrow: We have to try; who's with me.

Ozpin: You all have the right to refuse. You have the best chance if you all participate as a team. However, the mission must and will go forward, with or without you

Taiyang: Without Me. I'm not going. we have our girls to consider. Someone has got to be responsible for them. I'm sorry, it is just too risky.

Raven: i'm willing to try but if this goes south; I'm out! And for good! I'm not doing this for you Oz (glaring at him), I'm doing it for them!(looking around her). And I still think this is a suicide mission.

Summer: We can do this, but only if we stick together.

Qrow: Let's do this!

Taiyang: (pulls Raven aside) you don't have to do this. come with me, please!

Raven: (embracing and kissing Taiyang softly) I'm sorry. I don't like this any more than you do, but I have a duty, not just to you...if we fail, I want you to know that I love you. I won't let my family down...none of you. Goodbye

Taiyang: (steals one last kiss) please come back to us

Raven: I can't promise that

Taiyang: I know. I love you. I will always love you. Goodbye.

Ozpin wishes them all good luck and all are saying Goodbyes. Hugs, and handshakes and whispers of somber farewells are heard as all depart.

A battle already in progress is taking place in a small village on Anamia. There are numerous grimm of all shapes and sizes. The bandit tribe is engaged fighting them off. As bandit members fight, the team members, with the exception of Taiyang, fight to stop Salem , Tyrain and others with them. Ozpin slips in and meets quietly with a leader of the bandits inside a cave on the outskirts of the village.

Ozpin: the time has come that we must band together to stop her. Please give me the relic. I alone can keep it safe.

Leader: No, I can protect it. However, it is not the only one here. We must divide them before she discovers them. Take this, it will lead to the location of another relic. Guard it with your life Ozpin!

Ozpin: You have my word. I will not let this fall to enemy hands. Exits and scene returns to the battle outside

Qrow is fighting Tyrian, swinging his scythe as Tyrian in scorpion form attempts to sting him. Qrow jumps out of the way and continues to battle. Meanwhile, Summer Rose is in full silver eye power mode and is pushing Salem and her defenders to the outskirts of the village. Raven has joined with the bandit warriors to fight the grimm. The attack has led them toward the cave where the Leader met with Ozpin. Their Leader is scrambling to conceal any trace of the relic. He emerges from the cave and joins the bandits.

Believing that Salem has retreated, Summer Rose comes to Qrow's aid while Tyrian has pinned him down about to strike with his poison tail. Summer Rose swings her weapon just in time to stop his deadly sting. Tyrian whips around and swings his tail at Summer Rose. Qrow immediately jumps to her defense and manages to cut off his tail, delivering a powerful and debiliatating blow to Tyrian.

Salem has reappeared behind Summer Rose and strikes her from behind while both Summer Rose and Qrow are focused on Tyrian. A terrible scream of pain is heard and Qrow turns to see Summer Rose crumpled and bleeding. He spies Salem as she flees the scene but does not pursue. He rushes to Summer's side.

Qrow: No, No! Hang on! Hang on! Summer, no, no. Stay with me. Stay with me. i will get you to safety

Summer:(weakly whispers) Qrow, it's too late. take care of our girl Qrow. tell her how much I love her. Teach her; protect her. I love you.

Qrow: No, No! I can't! I can't do this without you. You have to be there. she needs her mother. I need you too. I love you Summer, Summer, NOOOOOO! (cries loud with terrible pain. Summer has slumped in his arms and he cradles her, caressing her, kissing her. He cries aloud and then continues to sob while cradling Summer's limp body.)

In the background, we can still hear the battle between the grimm and bandits. Many of the bandits have been killed in the battle. Some grimm have also been slain but the biggest and toughest continue to march toward the Leader. Raven, slays the grimm quickly but is outnumbered as more and more approach. She has seen what happened to Summer. She sees and feels Qrow's pain.

Raven: Father! Father where are you? They must not Get to the relic. Go to the cave and bar the entrance!

Leader:(Now standing beside Raven) The relic is safe. You, take the others and leave.

Raven: No Father, i won't leave you. Father, we are out numbered, out powered. just as i feared. We can not win. we must go. Father, Salem will return. She killed Summer. You'll be next. And Qrow!

Leader: Raven, my dear, if I fall, you will lead the bandits in my place. I am not afraid. I can face Salem. Save the tribe, they are your family. Save yourself, you are mine. I love you and I will always be here with you. Please go!

Raven: (continues to protest but opens a portal and leads the bandits to pass through it) Father, you must come. We need you. Father you are our leader.

Leader: Raven, as your leader I am ordering you to go.

With all the other bandits safe, Raven and her Father make their way toward Qrow who is still crippled with grief and cradling Summer's body. They continue to slay the grimm.

Raven reaches Qrow: Please, brother, we need you.

Qrow rises fueled with rage and makes quick work of many of the remaining grimm.

Raven: Go Father! You must.

Father: I'm not going anywhere without you and Qrow.

Salem has returned again.

Salem: Not so fast, I will allow you all to leave unharmed....if you hand over the relic

Raven: (striking Salem) No! you will never get your hands on it.

Leader:( throws himself between Raven and Salem) Go now! Qrow and Raven both try to stop him.

Leader: Both of you Go and save yourselves Now! Salem strikes the Leader with a blow meant for Raven. Qrow strikes Salem and yells : Raven, take him and go!

Raven: lifts her Father and opens a portal. Salem strikes them as they try to escape. Qrow tries to stop her but is also hit by the great blow. All three fall! The Leader is dead and Raven and Qrow lay bleeding. Qrow drags himself over to her. They lay in a pool of blood touching hands. Both cry but neither speaks. They are overcome with grief.

Ozpin has been watching the last few moments of the battle. He comes to Raven and Qrow to check on them. He sees that it is too late for Summer and the leader. Raven and Qrow are on the verge of death. Ozpin uses his magic and Raven and Qrow disappear. He looks to the sky where we see two birds flying away.

End of chapter one

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