A Shooting Star

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Earth, Metropolis City, 8pm..................

"Die Superman! You are an alien that doesn't belong here!" Lex said as Superman dodged his robot arms. The League were called when the villains tries to rob a very important bank.

Diana was fighting Cheetah, while Green Lantern protected the citizens. Flash and Nightwing was fighting Joker and Zoom, Aquaman was helping Superman while J'onn helped GL with saving people and Cyborg was diffusing a bomb.

The battle soon drew to an ended as the League finally beat the enemy with a punch and Diana's lasso. Cybrog finally turned the bomb off as they all sighed.

Superman looked up frowning as J'onn did  also. "I sense a disturbance in spaces...something at top speed is coming towards earth." He informed as Diana frowned. They saw a shooting star that was headed for Gotham as Nightwing pulled up his screen.

"Robin-." "Grayson what the hell is that coming towards Gotham?" Damian asked as Nightwing sighed. "Shithead, the fuck is this?" Jason asked as they heard a tired sigh.

"I still wonder why I adopted such potty mouths.." Alfred mumbled. "Guys, we still have a threat. We are on our way to Gotham as we speak." Nightwing said as Diana picked him up and they flew there.

"What do you think it is?" Tim asked as Nightwing hummed in thought. "Maybe an alien from another planet...I don't know.." He replied as they arrived watching as the star hit in a road.

Superman blew it off as the fire gave way to a rocket with symbols on it. The rocket started to glow as the door was opened and a figure fell out, but Superman caught them.

The smoke cleared revealing a beautiful young boy wearing a crown, royal clothing and he had no shoes on. He also had a bag on his shoulder. The young boy began to wake up just as the others showed up.

He opened his beautiful dark blue eyes and stared up at Superman blinking slowly. Once his senses were aware he screamed pushing him away.

"Woah there! I'm not going to hurt you." He said as he reached out and the boy smacked his hand away and stood, but almost passed out.

Superman caught him once again as the boy squealed. "T’uyl tur gnam! T’uyl tur gnam!" He said as Clark frowned. "He doesn't speak English...but he's hot as hell..." Hal said as Clark watched the boy back away from him looking around in fear.

The boy ran away as Diana grabbed his wrist and the boy tried to free himself. "He's so small...and adorable...maybe I can hug him when he's calm." She said as the boy bite her and she hissed letting him him go as he scrambled back.

"vortegh yes yes, yev ov yes im tany?" He said as he started to cry and Barry walked over to him and pulled out a piece of chocolate. The boy wiped his eyes looking up at Barry as he shyly took the candy and stared at it.

He ate it and smiled as he kissed Barry and Barry fist pumped. "Thank you very much." The boy said as he looked at his rocket and touched it.

"Where am I?" He asked as J'onn smiled softly. "You are on a planet called earth. Welcome." He greeted as the boy smiled softly.

"Thank you...my name is Prince Bruce and who are you all?" He asked as Hal was over to him smiling as the boy took a step back. "Hey...I'm Hal Jordan. I'm also Green Lantern. These are my teammates Superman, Wonder Woman, J'onn J'oonz, Flash, Aquaman and Nightwing." He said kissing his hand as Bruce blushed softly.

"Oh well it's very nice to meet you all." He responded as he stared at the rocket. "I do need some help though. You see I was at my coming of age ceremony when this lord named Darksied came there and my parents sent me here.

My mother was the last person I saw before I fell asleep and she was stabbed...I need to get back home." He said as Superman was about to answer until Hal did.

"Of course we will help you as it is my duty to protect all worlds." He responded as Bruce giggled. "Why did he attack you guys?" Nightwing asked as Bruce looked down sadly. "Because of me and our worlds unique abilities to give powers to all the people of my planet." He responded as Aquaman frowned.

"What did you do to make him come after you?" He asked as Bruce looked down sadly. "I'm not sure..." He responded moving his hair behind his ear. "I think it's maybe because you're beautiful." Diana said as Bruce blinked and smiled.

"Thank you very much! You are very beautiful as well." He replied as he looked up at the moon and stopped. He stared at it as his necklace started floating and he blinked.

He grabbed the necklace and pushed a button as an image of his grandfather popped up. "Grandfather!" "Oh good, you got there safely, go to Gotham and find a man by the name of Alfred Pennyworth. He will take you in until further notice. Your mother is fine angel." He said as Bruce sighed in relief. "Oh thank goodness. Are you guys going to be okay?" He asked as his grandfather winked.

"Don't worry about us, we'll survive. You stay hidden and be safe. I love you blossom." He said as the image disappeared. Bruce put his necklace back on and stared curiously at the moon.

"Does your moon always look like this?" He asked as Aquaman nodded. "On our planet we have four moons. The red, blue, black and white moon." He said as the shrugged.

"It's very beautiful..." He said as Diana took his hand. "Come, we know Alfred." He replied as they headed to the Batcave. When they arrived Alfred and the other boys were waiting there for them and froze upon seeing Bruce.

Bruce walked up and bowed. "Hello Mr. Pennyworth, my name is Prince Bruce Thomas Wayne Jr. My grandfather told me to come to you and it is a pleasure to meet you." He said sweetly as the boys gaped at him and Alfred smiled.

"Well... your grandfather and me met when he and I were young men... at the time he already had your father so he wasn't on the throne as much." He said as Bruce giggled.

"Yes, I'm afraid him and my father are both rather adventurous....my grandfather said that I'm like my grandmother." He replied as Alfred hugged him. "Well, its nice to meet my godson." He said as Bruce smiled.

"Wow! Your house is beautiful godfather!" He said as he walked around the cave and the bats came down and landed by him. "Oh my! You even have pets! They're so cute!" He cooed as Alfred opened his mouth, but the bats landed on Bruce as he began to whistle.

They all gaped as the bats whistled back and Bruce giggled. "They are very friendly...you trained them well." Bruce commented as a bat pretended to fall off his finger and die.

"Umm...they actually don't like people." Alfred responded as Bruce looked at him. "Really? They seem trained...what are they?" He asked standing up as they flew back onto the rocks.

"They are called bats....they tend to stick together and love dark cakes like this one. They are also blind." Nightwing said pulling off his mask as Bruce gasped.

"Oh my! I did know that was a clothing! I thought it was apart of the culture or something. Does everyone wear mask here?" He asked as Alfred chuckled.

"No, that is just to protect their identity from the public. Some of us on this earth were blessed with unnatural gifts and we used them to fight against evil." Superman said as Bruce blinked in awe.

"That's amazing... thank you for your wise teachings." He said as they all blushed. "Come, let me show you around the house and to your room." Alfred said giving Bruce his arm as Bruce latched on to it.

"Yes let's!" He said happily and let go bowing to the others the latching back onto Alfred's arm. The others stared as Hal sighed.

"Now what? We have some hot sexy alien from another planet and Darksied is back." he said as J'onn looked at them. "He's very powerful. I felt it as soon as his ship made it through the milky way." He informed as they looked at him in shock.

"How strong is he?" Diana asked as J'onn looked at her. "His powers appear to be stronger than any enemy we have fought." He replied as they blinked. "He's even more powerful than even you Superman." He said as they all blinked.

"And he came in like a shooting star!" Jason sang as Dick sighed. "Well, I guess we know why Darksied went after him..." He responded as they all nodded.

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