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One week later...................

Bruce sat outside staring up at the sky as he played with his hair. He sighed as he grabbed his necklace and closed his eyes.

"Bruce!" He opened them and looked down at Dick who was waving him down. He smiled as he flipped out the window and landed on the ground as Dick gaped at him.

"Hello what's wrong?" He asked worriedly as Dick shook his head. "Nothing...Alfred said it's time to eat." He said as Bruce hummed and stopped freezing in place as he glanced around.

"Dick...? I..I think something is coming..." He said softly as he looked around and backed up into him. "What is it? Do you want me to get the League?" He asked as Bruce frowned up at him.

"No...if its Darksied....it might be best to go with him without a fight...I don't want you guys hurt because of me." He said frimly as Dick looked at him. "I want to protect you Bruce...you're like my sassy new little brother." He responded as Bruce smiled.

"I think of you as a big brother as well...it's just...I'm worried about you being afraid of me..." He said pulling away as he walked into the house with Dick not too far behind.

"What do you mean afraid of you? I would never be scared of you Bruce." He said as Bruce chuckled softly and walked into the kitchen with the others. "If you only knew Richard." He responded as they went silent in shock.

Bruce had never used anyone's full name like that...he always gave them cute nicknames. Dick swallowed as Bruce sat down and played with his necklace.

"Bruce....I would never be afraid of you. You're my brother..." He responded as Bruce sighed and looked at him. "Yes...but you also don't really know me....I mean not mentally....I...I'm not exactly as sweet as you guys think." He said softly and calmly.

"I don't care!" Dick yelled as Bruce looked at him. "So what if you're an alien from another planet that knows how to kill and has powers! Most of the League are aliens!" he said as Bruce stared at him and chuckled.

"Yes, but they aren't the ones bringing danger to your planet as we speak." He said as Dick slammed his hand down on the table. "It's not your fucking fault that that bastard of a man is after you! I don't care who you are Bruce! I will protect you!" He said as Bruce sighed once more.

The manor started to shake as Bruce looked up and stared out the glass doors at Darksied's smirking face. He got up and held his hand up to Adam who had grabbed his sword.

Bruce stepped out of the house as Darksied walked to him and bowed kissing his hand. "My love, it's time for us to go. Your planet is safe for now...unless you put up a fight." He said as Bruce pulled his hand away.

"What do you want with me?" He asked softly as Darksied chuckled. "I want you and your power.....I know of it and how strong you are....you are equal to me." He responded as Bruce stared at him.

"No, I am much more stronger than you...if my father put up a good fight then what of his son? Have you ever considered this is the reason he sent me away? So I wouldn't kill my people?" He said as Darksied rose and eyebrow.

"And you would kill your people?" He asked as Bruce looked him in the eye. "Let's just say my other size isn't very same in the least...." he responded as Darksied chuckled.

"You will still come though." He said as Bruce nodded. "I will, but you must promise not to harm anyone on this and my planet." He said as Darksied bent down.

"I swear to you I won't....marry me?" he asked as Bruce took his hand. "Yes...if I must." He replied as Adam stepped in front of him and the others along with him.

Bruce silently waited for Darksied to snap, but in his surprise he started laughing. "I agreed not to hurt them honey, but you must deal with them." He said simply as Bruce sighed and stepped in front of them.

"No, I'm doing this guys. You can't stop me and if you do you will regret it. This is my planet he has taken and I am going to get it back even if it means marriage." He said as they all were moved by a force as Bruce took Darksied's hand.

Bruce looked back and smiled sadly as he waved. "I'll see you guys some day....Adam you are dismissed from your duties." He said as Adam struggled to move.

"Let us go my husband....." Bruce said as Darksied stopped him and kissed him as Bruce's eyes widened and his eyes started glowing black.

Darksied pulled away as Bruce blinked in shock and looked at Darksied. Adam finally got out of the hold and freed the others as he went to attack Darksied,but was stopped inches away from Bruce.

Bruce turned to look at him with dark golden eyes as he stared at him quietly as Adam gasped in horror. "Your Majesty!?" He said as Bruce kicked him away as he flew into the manor bringing it down.

They gaped at Bruce who stood there and stared at them as Darksied chuckled darkly. "Had to have precautions just in case he tried to fight me....now he's mine." Darksied said as he took Bruce's hand and they went through the portal.

"I'll send an invitation Kal-El." He smirked as the portal closed and Tim ran over to the manor trying to find Adam. They finally found him bleeding, but alive and conscious.

"What did he do?" Tim asked as Adam coughed and stared at him. "Somehow he brainwashed him to think he was his alpha...." Adam said wincing when Tim helped him up.

"That wasn't the Bruce we all know though....who the fuck was he with those golden eyes?" Jason asked as Adam sighed. "Im...I'm not sure......he never mentioned this unless his grandfather knew.....he was the one over Bruce's lessons." He replied as Clark sighed.

"Well, we can't just sit here all day. We have to help him!" He said as Adam smiled and held his necklace up. "And I have a way, but we must use this." He responded as they nodded.

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