Chapter 7

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Third person pov

:May 17th: 6:05pm:

Batman walked in upon Starfire and Wonder Woman talking about something. Walking over, Batman then spoke

"Wonder Woman, Starfire, I have lead as to where the Hive may be taking Tigress, I need a team to head out and rescue her from them before she reaches her new captives"

"We shall rescue her alone with Kid Flash along with Robin and Raven"
"Agreed, I shall gather them and meet you in the command centre"

Batman walks out and leaves them to their talk.

"Starfire, my people can help you in this time, they will welcome you as one of us"
"What of Nightwing"
"Men are not aloud on the island, but if my mother is willing, we can allow him to be on the island, but only if my mother allows it"
"Then I hope so, we need a break from this, I need a break from this, but I must see Nightwing free from the Legion of Dooms control"
"We will, Batman will figure it out"

"Team, this will be a very important mission, we have located Tigress in route to Deathstroke's base of operations. For this mission to be a success, I want all of you to be at your best, if we can take back Tigress, then we can learn more about the Hive and what their up to"
"So, when do we go"
"You leave now"
"Recognised Y04 Kid Flash, J03 Wonder Woman, Y012 Raven, Y011 Robin, Y013 Starfire"

:Hive Transport:
:May 17th: 6:30pm:

The team arrived at location and moved fast, prepping an ambush for the transport in the near by cannon. As the transport neared, Starfire launched her attack first, followed by Raven and Robin, Wonder Woman and Kid Flash then moved in, the latter disabling the transports movement while the former made an entrance inside. As the team moved about, taking out the troopers, Tigress was being beaten by Deathstroke. The appearance of Wonder Woman caused him to drop what he was doing and attempt an escape. He was cut off by Starfire who punched him into the ground and then Robin who hit him before Raven caught him and trapped him in her magic. Tigress came out, supported by Wonder Woman and Kid Flash ran over to her, relieving Wonder Woman of having to carry Tigress.

"Kid Flash, your alive"
"Yeah, been in a cryo pod for the past two years in a Hive basement"
"We need to go, we have Deathstroke in custody and should get moving before reinforcements show up"

"Agreed, Raven, can you get us to the tower"
"Sure, someone will need to hold Deathstroke so I can"
Wonder Woman grabs Deathstroke and knocks him out before throwing him over her shoulder. Raven casts a spell the team vanish into the air.

:Legion of Doom headquarters:
:May 17th: 9:30pm:

Brother-Blood walks into the main room followed by WingNight and sits down at his spot among the leaders. WingNight behind him.

"Now that we are all here, let us begin"
"The recent capture of Deathstroke is going to compromise our plans along with the rescue of Tigress"

"We must strike at them now"
"I have word that the league has sent four of their number back to Earth and is now looking to find us. We must move the others in secret or else all we have worked towards will be lost"
"I have another suggestion, we keep them in the same place and then extract our revenge there"
"I agree, what do you think Queen Bee"
"We shall do as the Brain suggested"
"Agreed, now that we have that out of the way, I have received word from Vandal Savage, the conquest of Earth is to begin soon, we only need to prepare the way for his new army"
"And the location we will do that is"
"We have chosen Gotham City for this, it will be where the Bat meets his end"
"Bane, we can always trust on you to go straight to the root of our troubles at time, but there is no prove that Batman was among the leaguers who returned to Earth"
"The prove is there, he was spotted attacking one of my bases a few days ago with a team, the team that saw Kid Flash freed and brought back to the team"
"We told you to get rid of him, why did you keep him"
"He has been the source of a lot of breakthroughs in my mind control, but with him gone, the only thing that is left to give me new hope in creating new mind control methods is WingNight or one of the others we have captured"
"WingNight, do not be offended, you have proven yourself time and time again in your secret missions across the world, but the Tameran girl will need to go if we are to continue on, she will not give up till you have been returned to your old self, and that we cannot have, so I have a mission for you, accompany Bane and his gang to free Deathstroke and the Hive members who have been captured, If I am right, Starfire shall be there along with Batman, if so, we can kill two birds with one stone"
"I understand"
"Don't do it, this is not what I would do, I must fight back"

"You cannot win Nightwing, I have subdued you and used your body for my own deeds, even if you break free, your name has been used in many crimes now"
"My name has seen more action as a hero then a villain, this shall be what undoes you WingNight"

"I don't think so, your precious Starfire shall die along with Batman and then the others will die slowly and you will be forced to watch as they die painful deaths. And it will be all your fault by not having enough strength to fight back"
"That's where your wrong, my strength comes from my friends and you underestimate them, everyone does, that's why we win again and again, because you lack the wisdom to see the threat we pose"
"You lack the wisdom to know when to quit, that is why you always lose this fight"
"No, it's because you fail to stop me"

"WingNight, let us go and deal with the Bat and the Star before we rescue Deathstroke"
"Let us go then"

"You are weak, that is why you will never win, it is why I am the victor, and now you shall see why, when I kill Starfire with my bare hands cut her head off and send it back to Tameran, her sister will then come here and welcome me into her empire on Tameran as a warrior and future king"
"Never, no one shall hurt her or my team, not on my watch"
"Forget it, you are nothing with the others, do they even respect you, one left because he couldn't beat you, another broke up with you because you lacked the strength to fight back against foes, you are nothing, face it, the truth can hurt, and that is why you lose, now be gone and do not bother me again"

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