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It was Saturday and after doing her laundry and chit chatting with her friend Nita, Zaynab set off for class. As she arranged her books in her bag, she kept on murmuring different things to herself. "What's my business with. maths now? if this was an essay or science competition, I won't complain" . She kept on envisaging how she'll be dropped as one of the 10 people who won't be going for the NMI's maths competition because she didn't pass the qualification test.
Getting to the class, everywhere was tranquil and she noticed she was alone. She started working immediately on the past questions from NMI that was issued out to them some three days back. Ayo had made sure she received a Pick-pin punishment from Mr. Oladotun for not having the recommended Advance mathematics textbook. She couldn't afford it but Ayo made it seem she was not serious about the cause, thus the punishment.

She was now really busy with her pen taking her notebook as a dance floor when Fred passed along . He was on his way to the library, the one place he could go close to sleeping peacefully. The Liberian, madam Ngozi never bothered him and simply informed him if a teacher on duty was around. She didn't even know his name, 'handsome ' was what she called him.
Zayn worked for some three hours, punching her calculator and counting her fingers restlessly when needed with her eyebrows almost touching in concentration. When she raised her head from her books for the first time in a long while ,she met Fred standing in front of the class, by the wall.

'Hi' he said when he noticed she'd seen him. 'The bell was just rang for lunch, going to eat? He asked ,one had in pocket, the other pointing towards the door.
'No 'replied a hungry zayn. Yes, she was hungry but she had work to do. 'How can I help you?'. She asked with anger suddenly heating her up. After refusing to help her, who was he to ask if she was going to eat or not?.
'No. There's no help you can give me. But really ,how can I help you? 'He went closer from the front of the class and said 'do you want me to help with that?' He was pointing at her question booklet .
  There was a huge temptation to voice out a 'no' too and show him she'll be fine by herself without his help but she threaded softly, calming herself down. This is maths!

'Sure' she said after hesitating.
  And there they sat working out the problems and solving even the toughest ones she already marked out as she couldn't tackle them. She was hoping she'll ask Mr. Oladotun later on but here..... She was solving them with jerk Fred. But she understood it all and almost forgot she was dealing with maths.
It was 5:00 and as Fred yawned loudly, he said 'I have to go now. I'm playing for the tigers in today's match. You'll be fine by yourself? '

' I was doing totally fine before you came so definitely, I'll be fine if you leave .' And she wasn't about thanking her by far worst enemy again. Instead, she asked a question too 'why weren't you nominated as well?  You answered most of the past questions at your first try '

'It's a waste of time' he replied casually, already walking out through the back door.
She shouted after him 'I'm going to pay you back for helping me out '
'I really hope you'll be able to, although I'm not going to be needing help from someone like you ' he retorted, meaning help from her was small fry. Fuming, she cursed him under her breath. 'He's a plonker, dolt! '
Mondays were the most serious days of the week and this week, zayn was on duty with Lawrence Peters. She had missed a meeting earlier in the morning with their house mistress, Ms Bilal. She would have to account for her absence later on, there were more pressing thoughts on her mind now.
After lights out the night before which was due at 10:30pm, she spent more than 4 hours reading and going through the questions from before on the NMI syllabus. She had managed to wake up around 5:35am so she could observe her fajr prayers, a time she was sure most of the senior girls were still tucked-in in their beds.
She prepared for the day with a half pessimistic, half optimistic mindset. She needed all the courage she could muster.

Today was the qualification exam day.
It was two more lesson periods to school over when Mr. Oladotun came to get them to the ICT hall were they wrote the exams.
But now, it was all over. The results was due the next day. As Zaynab headed to the hostel stressed up ,She recalled how confident Ayo and the other folks seemed earlier. She wasn't so sure or anything at all but that she's done her best.
      Lawal didn't make it to top ten even when he had the same score as Zayn. When the list of the qualified students came out, zayn's name was spotted. 'Why in the world did this happen? 'She questioned herself . Anita was already making a list of what zaynab should buy on her way back from the competition. 'Zayn, don't forget to buy me that Hausa snack called gurasa,a new pair of sandal for yourself, a larger umbrella for us both because the rainy season is close  .....' She kept on listing.
'Nita, I'll sure buy those things 'Zayn cut her short ' but now, I need to see Mr. Odunayo. See you later' and She ran off.

Intense training was on as all ten representatives were eager to put in their best.
Mr. Odunayo has explained to a curious Zayn on why lawal was dropped and she was picked. 'Though Mr. Oladotun is my subordinate, I trust his judgement completly. He choosed you and that's it' he said.
'Bur sir, it's an obvious fact that lawal is your favorite, you can't let him miss this opportunity. Also, he is better than me in maths and I only passed because I got lucky. Should I switch places with him? ' she was scared the trust they were giving her was going to be broken. She and lawal should be going!
'We have come this far and no going back. Don't miss study classes for any reason. Work hard. You may leave now ' he had finalised the issue.
      And now, while on their final study session on Thursday night, Mr. Oladotun Came in to the ICT hall to let them know what they'll be needing for their travel which waa going to last two days and three nights.
  Before now, Ayo and her crew had made study classes a living hell for zaynab, causing her to receive endless punishment and making her uncomfortable during extra lessons. Zayn choosed to ignore them and study again in the night with her friend Nita. Little did they know they were making the lady stronger.
'First, your complete school uniform, your toiletries and your green card . Your green card is your pass into the exam hall and is your permit when we get there. Always be with it.  Secondly, no coloured socks, no tight fitting skirts and no contrabands. Every other personal items can be brought along with you. Fummilayo, choose the hairstyle for the girls and keep it simple. Am I understood? 'He boomed
'Yes sir' they chorused.
He continued 'the three class captains of SHS2 will be coming with us. Lawal Sheriff Will follow us for the photography club, Patrick Timi for the school press and Amanda okigbo as well. Time is 6:00am on the Morrow. No late coming will be condoned' he said finally. 'any questions?' he added . When no one spoke, he said 'you may all leave' and with that, they dispersed.
As soon as he stepped out of the class, zayn followed him. 'Thank you sir' she said happily.
'It's the best I can do. I hope you feel less guilty and concentrate more . If I'm to bet, I'm placing my bet on you and it's huge so don't disappoint me'
She knew mr. Odunayo had talked to him. 'Yes sir !' She replied happily before jumping away.

On her lonely walk back to the hostel , she bumped into Frederick and Christian heading out of the football pitch. She didn't know if they practised a lot but what?! Playing football in the night is abnormal, isn't it? Then it occurred to her, the class reps of SHS2!.
The sciences, it was Oliver Trevor, her class captain. Commerce, it was Tunde simisola and the arts, it was Loman Frederick! What ?
Mr. Arrogance personified was coming along! Ah... What misfortune .
'Ah, cute witch made it to top ten. She's kinda lucky 'Chris said to Fred gently.
'That's how you know she's a real witch 'Fred replied and they both laughed.
Not knowing exactly what they were talking about ,zaynab vamoosed.
Tomorrow is going to be a better day .

Hello people ! Interesting right?  Thank you! 😘

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