Pay Me Back

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The usual liveliness was back in the prominent CIA. Everyone was back from the holidays the day before which was a Sunday. Zaynab had resumed on Saturday as the prefects do. They had to resume a day before the other students to have a meeting with the administration and staff. It was the usual at CIA.

At home, she had made up her mind to clean for Fred. She planned on cleaning the class way before everyone comes to class in the morning.

It was Monday and assembly time, Hasheer conducted the assembly happily. He was fresh from the holidays, his swollen-in-a-good-way cheeks could hide none of it.
After the assembly, which was mainly about welcoming back the students to school for yet another academic session and urging the SHS3 students to start preparing for their national exams, she students dispersed and headed to their various class blocks.

After signing the prefect attendance, zaynab walked towards her new block. Absentmindedly, she bumped into the Queen.
Oh my, what was I thinking about? She quickly bent down to pick up Ayo's stuff from the  interlocked floor.
Just the beginning of the term? I don't want any problem oh.
And as she was chiding herself, Ayo watched her scornfully saying nothing. When she sighted her new silver watch fall from her bag, she said hotly, 'You're the most annoying and clumsiest being I know. I can't believe I'm starting my term with someone like you. Do you know how much that watch costs? It's worth your basic needs all year round. Oh my....' she went on blabbing.

'I know I can't afford this, not even in years to come but I'm sorry. I didn't do it deliberately, it was an accident'. Zaynab said, apologetically.
She wanted to end all of this already as a small crowd was already gathering around them.

'Sorry you! How on earth can you.... '

She was hell bent on disgracing Zayn and shoving it in her eyes how wretched she is but then,
' How much does it cost? A very  familiar and firm voice came to Zayn's aid. Frederick DR.

Ayo spoke to Fred softly immediately she saw him as Zayn turned to him too, with teary eyes.
'oh Fred, welcome back from the holidays'. She hugged him, and while he stiffened at the act, he didn't hug her back. 'And this, oh no. You don't need to pay back for this' she said pointing at her undamaged wristwatch. 'it's safe. I was just... ' her voice trailed off.

'I understand'. Fred said calmly, 'I'll still be willing to buy you two of that if you hadn't realized that it's fine'.  Pointing at her watch, with a mock smile, 'it's not real silver even. I think you were cheated'.

'Excuse me' Zayn said tearfully and ran off.
On reflex, Fred followed her leaving Ayo by herself. She tried stopping him 'Fred please don't...' but she couldn't.

'Damn!!' she screamed, scaring the other students around.

Zayn laid her head on the table as she cried. Ayo had ignited her feelings and she felt real bad. Over the days, she's been looking for a reason to cry as she didn't want to back at home but now, she got what she wanted. Right?
Someone tapped her shoulder from behind and when she raised her head up and turned, her gaze net Fred's. For some awkward seconds, they were hooked there staring at each other.
Are you a Muslim at all? Something told her and she let her gaze fall.
Fred regained himself, 'Erm, Erm, are you okay? Can you talk now? What in the name of English language was he saying?, he thought.
Zayn said nothing as she cleaned her face with the back of her hand. Her pent up emotions found expression in tears.

' I'm fine, thank you. And you don't need to pay for anything as I can't owe you any more than I do already. I'll do it myself ' she straightforwardly replied.

' Neither of us will be paying for anything. The wristwatch is in order'. Zayn's eyes widened upon hearing that, then she gave a mighty sigh of relief. Fred was standing there, finding himself a betrayer. How come he was concerned about cute witch? Loman Frederick does not have interest in anything that's not Christian innocent, football or writing.
What's happening?

'But really, can you sleep anywhere, anyhow at anytime?' he decided to forget his thoughts and make life a little miserable for the lady sitting before him.

'what do you mean? I'm not sleeping now'. Is the guy going soft in the head?

'No, not now. When you bumped into Ayo, you were sleeping right? If not, how could you not have looked where you were going? You definitely was sleeping' concluded, young Loman.

Feeling ashamed, 'no, I wasn't. It was a mistake'.

'I bet it was' he said sarcastically. 'Are you going to sweep my class or pay me my money?

' I won't sweep your class. Wait, is this how you welcome someone back from the holidays?
Ignoring her question, 'okay, don't. He stretched forth his hand and opened his' 'handsome' palm. 'I never asked for a pay but you offered it, I'm taking your offer. Give. Me. My. Money.
You were going to work hard during the holidays right??' he said, acidly.

Zayn knew she was done  for. 'fine, you think that  you're the son of the minister of health and you can't be any generous, it's frustratingly unbelievable'

He smiled lightly 'my father is the minister, not me'. And with that, he walked away. The SHS3 science students were surprised to see Loman Frederick of all humans in their class, it was a first.
A wonder even.

'Oh my Allah, I'm in trouble' zaynab just said, and good for her to know that because she was actually in trouble.

First days were clean up days. Lesson began the following day. Zayn had managed to get ready for the term. She had planned the cleaning of Fred's class in the morning, she was was just being stubborn to him earlier.

As full lessons began, before even the juniors to clean up Fred's class. She didn't want anyone to see her doing it. Ayo might go berserk and turn the whole situation into something else, misunderstanding everything.
And worse? The arts students' classroom seemed to become dirtier by the days. It was as if the students were joining forces to intentionally wreck her. 'my bad luck' she thought often.

The problem however, was that Fredrick was always around. No matter how early she was, he was always there before her.  On several occasions even, Fred will make her tell him a story. That wasn't supposed to be part of her payback stuff but when she rejected at first, he made her sweep the class about four times the following morning, littering the classroom with bits  of paper he had shredded into pieces every time she was done. She succumbed the fifth time.  So,  she knew that if she didn't want trouble  she had to do it. And the funny thing was that, he slept off almost immediately she starts.  Weird right? Yeah.

Though she felt ill fated to meet Fred in her life, she was gradually starting to look forward to seeing and telling him stories every morning.

Oh my Allah! 😪😓
It's not easy oh.
Hawwaya people? Y'll doing good?
Ramadan Mubarak!
Pray, recite your Qur'an and devote time to the creator.
For the non-Muslims, continue to be good. Good people!
Who thinks Zayn and Fred will Jell? Who doesn't want them to?

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*~faydah 😍.

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