•Sowon X Jin•

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"Will you marry me, Sowon?" Jin got down on one knee. Heart shaped firewoerks exploded in the night sky.

Sowon nodded with tears in her eyes. "I love you, Jin."

He slides the ring onto her finger and pulls her into an embrace. "I love you so much, Sowon."


"This is so unfair." Sowon groans in frustration. "Why does our wedding have to be so postponed?"

Jin rubs her back. "I know, Sowon. I just want to get married and spend my life with you. But I got to go to the army."

The next day with Jin all packed up, the fourteen of them walk to the point where they send off the member.

"I can't believe one of us is going to the army!" Jungkook exclaims.

"I'm going to miss you, hyung." Jimin clings onto Jin's arm.

"Me too!" They all chime in.

Bang PD steps in. "You're so grown up." He wipes his tears. "Stay good, Jin."

Jin pulls him into a hug. "Thank you."

Jin moves onto the Gfriend members. "Who's going to cook for us?" Umji asks.

Jin laughs. "You have Sowon, remember?"

"But her food is so gross!" Sinb butts in. "We are going to miss you so much!"

Sowon emerges from the back. "Please don't go."

Jin brushes her hair out of her face, stroking it gently. "I'm going to miss you so much."

Sowon cries into his shoulder. "I don't want to lose you."

"I'm going to fight no matter for you. I'll do everything to see you again."

Jin kisses her. "I love you so so much, Sowon." With that, the pair pulls apart. Everybody waves Jin goodbye with waterfalls falling down their faces.

"Goodbye Jin!" They call out.


As soon as Jin arrives, he's forced to cut his hair short. Jin loves his hair so it isn't easy for him to see strands of his hair fall to the floor.

He trains everyday, day to night. He can't even complain because that will only lead him to more work.

Everyday is a struggle for him. He can't see or talk to his finance. One night while everyone is sleeping, he turns on his phone which is strictly forbidden.

No signal

Jin sighs and looks out the small window that was over his bed. The moom shone brightly in the night which stars twinkling. "I wonder when I'll get to see you again."

Jin crawls back into bed and falls into a deep sleep.

One day, he was awoken by a huge exploding sound. The room shook by the force. The guys around him started to panic. Jin wasted no time in grabbing his gun and uniform. He knew what was happening.

It was an attack.

A bunch of other men followed him. Everybody was shouting but Jin couldn't focus. This would decide whether he would die or not.

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