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Baekhyun snuck inside silently taking down two guards. He set a bomb up and pressed a button. The countdown started as Baekhyun quickly went around and placed more. Baekhyun quickly made it out before the place blew. Baekhyun and Sehun got into their vehicles and drove off.

"Nice job babe"

"I got a little scared with the last one"

"I knew it would be alright. Now how about we have a celebration?"

"Where should we go?" Baekhyun asked excitedly

"You choose baby, I've got a jet so we can go anywhere you dream of"

"Really!?" Baekhyun was getting even more excited

"Yeah, How about it be like a present to you"

"How about we go to Bali?" Baekhyun said excitedly

"I've never been so it'll be a first for me I'll call the Pilot and tell him to get the jet ready"

"Okay I'll follow you"

The call ended and Baekhyun laughed. He moved in his seat excitedly as he followed Sehun's motorcycle.

In Bali

Sehun followed the excited and squealing Baekhyun.

"Oh daddy it's so pretty!" Baekhyun smiled

"Yeah baby it is"

Baekhyun walked into the place they would be staying in and dropped everything. He smiled widely as he ran around looking at everything.

 He smiled widely as he ran around looking at everything

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Baekhyun ran back to Sehun jumping into his arms. He hugged Sehun tightly before kissing him over and over again.

"I wanna feel the bed" Sehun smirked

"Me too, ooh we have to take a really nice bath tonight too" Baekhyun smiled as Sehun carried him to the bedroom

"Of course, tomorrow we can get in the pool. I'll go out and buy some drinks later"

"Yeah" Baekhyun bit his lip as he landed on the bed.

"Just think about it. All these new places for me to fuck you" Sehun growled pulling his shirt off

Baekhyun nodded taking his shirt off. Sehun forced Baekhyun onto his stomach and pulled his pants and boxers off. Sehun pulled his own off and thrusted roughly into Baekhyun.

"Ah, D-Daddy it's been a while" Baekhyun gasped

"Awe has it really?" Sehun smirked gripping Baekhyun's hips

Baekhyun let out a whine as Sehun thrusted roughly. Sehun let out a moan as Baekhyun moved his hips a bit. Baekhyun did it again loving the sound of Sehun's deep voice.

"Fuck Baby"

"Daddy! Yes!"

Sehun continued to thrust making Baekhyun moan loudly. Baekhyun gripped the sheets letting out a loud moan.


Sehun smirked quickly finding Baekhyun's prostate. Baekhyun came and Sehun did the same soon after.

"I like the bed" Sehun panted

"M-Me too"

Daddy's Little Monster <SeBaek>Where stories live. Discover now