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I changed a bit of the story. Sehun got Baek the puppy as a wedding gift so Baek has it at their apartment. They have only been married for five weeks and Shit's about to go down.

A Few Week's Later

Sehun let out a sigh as he got comfortable in the hot bathtub. 

"Daddy~ Did you really think you were gonna take a really nice bath without me?" Baekhyun smiled walking into the bathroom

"Nope, I was just waiting for you to walk in" Sehun looked over smiling as Baekhyun quickly stripped

Baekhyun got in the bathtub getting comfortable between Sehun's legs. 

"Baby, I have to go do something after I get out" Sehun sighed

"You mean we?" Baekhyun smiled 

"No Baek, I mean me." 


"I owe someone and only I can do this job. I promise I'll be home by 10 and if I'm even a minute late you can shoot me" 

"I won't do that...I think" 

"So I can go?" 

"Yes. But if you are not home by 10 sleep with both eyes open" Baekhyun glared

"Yes Baekhyun" Sehun smiled

After The Bath

Sehun got on his motorcycle giving Baekhyun a smile. 

"Be back before 10 baby" Sehun smiled speeding off

Sehun drove quickly, His mind on what Jongin had told him. Jongin pulled into the apartment parking lot and jumped off his bike. He ran inside and towards the living room. 

"I'm here!" 

"Good.....Have you told him yet?" Jongin asked eyeing Sehun

"No Jongin but I will" 


"Whenever I want to Jongin tell me how you know" Sehun huffed

"I saw EDawn at Ten's bar" 

"Was Hyuna with him?" 

"No, but I asked Ten if Hyuna had been there with him before and he said yes." 

"FUCK" Sehun shouted

"Jongin, Baby where's my shirt? Oh and I-" The male stopped staring at Sehun

"Y-Yixing....This is my best friend Sehun" Jongin jumped up 

Sehun looked at Jongin confused. Jongin never acted this way. 

"Alright but like I was saying I need to go" Yixing sighed still looking for his shirt

"B-But I wanted to-" 

"Jongin. When I tell you something you listen, right?" Yixing glared


"Yes what?" Yixing asked standing up straight and facing Jongin 

Jongin put his head down. Sehun watched in amusement as Yixing took a few steps forward. 


"Y-Yes daddy" Jongin whispered 

"Louder" Yixing demanded


"But what? Your best friend is here? Oh Sehun is not new to the daddy kink now say it" Yixing growled getting aggravated

"Yes daddy" 

"Good boy," Yixing smirked walking away 

"Daddy huh?" Sehun chuckled

"We have other issues asshole" Jongin huffed 

"Seem's like you got a daddy to make happy so I'll get Minseok to get me their locations" Sehun smirked standing up

Daddy's Little Monster <SeBaek>Where stories live. Discover now