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      "Gabriel stop throwing flour at me dammit", Micheal screamed. Gabriel laughed and danced around, dodging Micheal's grasp at all costs. Lucifer and I looked at each other, laughing at our brothers stupidity. It was currently the first official day of Thanksgiving break, even though to me it started Friday. My brothers had gotten home from college yesterday afternoon and while we went to pick them up, we were also dropping our mother off. Father was having a hard time with his work and so she went to have Thanksgiving with him where ever he was, giving him a break from his stresses. However, that also meant our house would have no parental supervision for the week, and we were in charge of making our own Thanksgiving meal. 

      Thanksgiving was Thursday though and it was only Monday. So why were we cooking? We were cooking because I finally mentioned something to Dean about my brothers wanting to meet him and interrogate him, and he surprisingly jumped at the opportunity. He was coming over tonight at five and leaving at nine to go pick up Sam and Jess from the airport. My brothers were glad to finally get the chance to meet Dean, especially since we had been spending so much of our time together now. 

      It seemed like that as long as Dean was not working and I was not with my brothers, I was at Dean's. We never did more than what we did on the night of our first date but that was probably for the best. We really had not been dating that long but I swear every five minutes with Dan felt like months and every second away from him felt like a lifetime. 

     Gabriel decided he was going to try and start baking cakes and pies and stuff at home now so that he did not have to spend money buying it from his work, which was more than okay with me. Currently he and Micheal were working on creating an apple pie and oatmeal and raisin  cookies. Lucifer was working on the homemade noodles that I had started yesterday, as they had to sit out over night. I was making the Parmesan chicken similar to the chicken that I had help make Garth make back in the culinary class from early on in the year. This had Parmesan and crunched corn flakes mixed together though rather than crunched Cheeze-Its. 

      Micheal went to take a break from the pastry part of cooking and went to peel potatoes so that we could have mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner too. We had tried to stick to some of the Thanksgiving type foods due to the fact my brothers were considering this a Thanksgiving with Dean as well as a chance to interrogate him. I tried to warn Dean how bad they could get, but he either did not realize just how bad it would be or he just did not care. Regardless, I had made my brothers promise several times that they would behave. The time for Dean to come over got closer and closer and my brothers just got more rowdy, making me even more nervous. 

      "This is so much work", Luc whined which made me roll his eyes.

      "Oh my god", I groaned. "You all are driving me crazy!"

      "That's our job as your brothers", Gabe teased. He then proceeded to blow flour on me and Lucifer, causing us to shriek. 

      "Thanks a lot Gabriel now we have to clean and change clothes before Dean comes", Micheal said with a laugh.

      "Damn right we will", I shouted. There was no way I was going to let Dean come in here thinking we were heathens that flicked and blew flour at one another, even though that was exactly what we were. Gabriel rolled his eyes and skipped back to his pie to finish his "masterpiece". On my date with Dean, I learned he loved burgers and pie and would live off them if he could. After learning this, I made sure that instead of cake Gabriel would prepare a pie. 

      We finished preparing the foods and either put them in the oven or set them on the stove so that they could cook. While the food cooked, Lucifer and I cleaned while Micheal and Gabriel changed and then switched off. I got up to my room and stripped off my now dirty jeans and university tee and switched them out for dark blue jeans and a light grey button up. When I got back down to the kitchen, I was relieved to see that the mess had been cleaned and all sign of our immature behavior was gone. For now at least. 

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