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Tagged by PaulAndTheMascara (Thanks(

Tagged by PaulAndTheMascara (Thanks(

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1. Right now? Not really that happy. You can't possibly be happy all the time. Plus I was watching The Reichenbach Fall.

2. Not now as I'm currently doing this but I'm going when I'm finished.

3. Dating? Well technically I'm not but does mentally dating rockstars count?

4. Some of my friends have called me a Savage before for having some fun but I wouldn't consider myself one. Do you?

5. Annoyed by this tag? No, just by the person who tagged me.

6. I'm a robot potato and I can confirm that.

7. Stalker! I said I'm a potato. Potato with feelings.

8. Some of my friends call me sis if you're asking. Unless you mean biologically, stalker! (One way or another starts playing in background)

9. Im no author honestly. I'm just a person. Who enjoys writing, an author does it for a living and is very good at their work. I am not.

9. Again.

I bestow thus tag upon





Thank you and fare thee well

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