Ain't that fresh?

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We meet again, Don't we?

Well today I made a little booklet
Inspired by the Snapchat Second Amendment thing.

I really hope this tag book doesn't become my whinnying book but I really want to share this with you guys. This is just my opinion/rant. (Rude comments are not welcomed so you know)

 (Rude comments are not welcomed so you know)

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In case you can't read it :

The Second Amendment started out to protect us

From greedy politics who only care about themselves. DICTATORSHIP.

We have to protect Ourselves from ourselves.

NOW while you may agree and bicker

And you may fight

Over No Guns, Yes Guns, Limited Guns.

I ask you to lower your pitchfork and
Let me speak.

Why don't we improve healthcare for mental Illness?

You don't see Scotland shooting at themselves (but they have gun laws)
Up Bob

1 in 5 Adults have mental health conditions More then 40 MILLION AMERICANS

76% of the youth are left with insufficient or no treatment


This with Depression, Anxiety disorders, and PTSD being far too common to be left untreated.

Now I'm no doctor not have been affected by these Illnesses

But should we wait to be hurt
        To do something?

There's 5 year olds fearing for their lives! We're the laughing stock of the planet!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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