Puppy Love

12 2 0

(doesn't that photograph fit so sweety with the title?)

Anyways I been tagged by Don't_dis_Ringo
(Thank you)

Favorite song

I don't really have a favorite song, I'll just repeatedly play whatever fits my mood best. Currently I been listening to Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You a lot

And YouTube dicates I been listening to Out Of Time  a lot too

Favorite sport

Either swimming or basketball (in which I both suck at)

Favorite band

How is this even a question? How could I answer this question with all the great bands I listen to? The Beatles, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Gun n Roses, The Rolling stones, etc. How could I choose one?

Favorite show
I don't really have a favorite.
I been watch Sherlock , supernatural, and a lot of others though.
Favorite movie
How can a chose one? I watched so many that lost count! I watched so many yet there's so many I wish to watch!
Favorite color
Green or blue
Favorite food
Don't have
Favorite drink
Favorite video game
Don't have

All the who follow me are tagged , that's 20 people in total. Thanks

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