Prologue: The Note

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July 1, 2000

Lieutenant Justin Carson of firehouse 51 was just finishing up his 24 hour shift when he heard an unusual sound coming from somewhere outside of the firehouse. Justin made his way down the back corridor and through the door that led to the truck bay. As he approached the rear of the ladder truck, the sounds he was hearing before became more distinct. Justin rounded the truck to see a tiny newborn baby lying in a cardboard box. A note was pinned to the blanket that was swaddling the baby. The lieutenant carefully scooped the baby out of the box and unpinned the note from the blanket. As he made his way back into the building, cradling the baby in his arms, he quickly read over the note.

My Dearest Baby Girl,

This is the hardest thing that I have ever had to do in my short sixteen years of life. I want you to know that I did not give you up because I didn't love you enough or because I didn't want you, I did it so you would be given your best chance. Your best chance at a normal life, one that I am simply not able to provide you. At only sixteen, I feel I am incapable of giving you the life you deserve. I know in my heart I am doing what is right, but it didn't make this decision any easier. I can only hope that one day you will understand how hard this was for me and I hope you know just how much I love you and that you will remain in my heart forever.

Love always,

Your Birth Mom

Justin grabbed his keys from his locker and made his way to his truck. He carefully buckled the baby girl into his son's car seat and drove off toward the local hospital. Justin entered through the sliding doors of the emergency department. He made his way to the front desk where a nurse looked to be filling out some sort of paperwork. Justin cleared his throat startling the young woman.

"Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you." Justin said, smiling at the nurse.

"That's quite alright. I was kind of lost in my own world completing this mound of paperwork." The nurse gestured towards the pile of papers behind her on the desk. "How can I help you?"

Justin's eyes moved to the sleeping baby in his arms. "I found her outside of the firehouse I work at. It seems as though she was dropped off by her birth mother in hopes that she would find a good home."

"Let me take a look at her." The young woman takes the baby from Justin's arms and begins to check over her. "She seems to be alright for the most part, maybe just slightly dehydrated. I will know more once I take her up to the NICU for more testing."

Justin sighed in relief and the nurse just smiled up at him.

"She's going to be okay, you can relax now. You did good." The nurse chuckled lightly and gave Justin a reassuring squeeze of his arm.

Justin smiled back and thanked the nurse for her help. He turned to leave the hospital when he remembered the note that he had stuck in his back pocket. He ran back inside of the hospital and over to the elevator where the nurse was just getting on. He made it just in time to stop the doors from closing completely.

"Sorry, but I think that her mother would want her to have this." Justin handed the note over to the nurse.

"I will make sure it stays with her." The nurse replied sensing the importance of the note she now possessed.

Justin took one last look at the baby girl and leaned down to kiss her forehead. He stepped out of the elevator doorway and back into the hall.

"I hope you get your best chance." He whispered to himself as he let the elevator doors close behind him.


Again, I just want to say I welcome any feedback, negative or positive.

I am working on the first chapter which is set in "present day" (2015). The first chapter will be from the point of view of the baby girl. I am still trying to decide on a name so If you have any suggestions please leave them in a comment below.

Thanks for reading!

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