Chapter 15

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Matt's POV-

The movies were both hilarious! I think Abigail and I can both agree that we liked 22 jump street a lot. We get out of he movies and I take her and buy some candy when we go back to her home. As we stand in like I notice one of the girls from earlier. I think it was Natalie and Marie? Abigail remembers them better.

"Hey are those the girls from earlier?" I pull he closer to me and whisper into her hair.

"Oh yeah, that's Natalie and Marie. We should go talk to them." She smiles at me. She's so sweet, the way she cares for her fans and mine too. I pay the candy for her and Abigail calls them over to our table.

"Hey Natalie! Marie!" They turn around and walk over to us and sit down.

"Hey guys! Did y'all enjoy the movies?"

"Yeah they were really funny." I answer and Abigail nods.

"What happened to your other friend, Stacy?" Abigail asks concerned for some reason.

"Oh, she had to leave early for something." We nod and Abigail starts a conversation to ease off the awkwardness.

"So how old are you two?"

"I'm 16." Marie says.

"I'm 15, the youngest of the three of us." She looks down.

"Hey don't worry, I'm 15 too so join the club." She laughs and she joins in too.

"So are y'all visiting or do y'all love around here?"

"We live about an hour away." They both answer.

"Oh that's cool." I say and they both smile at me.

"So what-" Abigail's phone goes off and as she checks who it is, she gets up and walks away from the table. "Sorry Matt, it's Shawn." I nod and she walks away. The girls both talk to me about how they love me and Abigail and how they found out about me. Then they tell me how they found Abigail on YouTube and how they became big fans of her. Throughout the whole time I smiled knowing how much of a big impact she's made on these two. They tell me how they used to be really shy and quiet but after watching her videos, they broke out of their shell and became more confident in themselves. I looked over at Abigail and she made a face that meant it's time for us to go. I nodded and told the girls. They were really cool, they weren't crazy fans that jumped all over the place. So it was nice to have a normal conversation with them.

"Sorry guys but Shawn is waiting for us." She puts her phone away and she hugs both of the girls.

"Here you guys, if you ever need anybody to talk too I'll be here for the both of y'all." She inserts her number in both of their phones and they thank her a lot of times. They hug once again before they come over to me. I tell them bye and that we should talk again sometime. We get to our car and Abigail starts talking about how much of an amazing day she had. There was just something about her smile that made me wonder what Shawn had told her. I stop her in between a sentence and kiss her soft lips. I've been craving for her ever since we got out of the theater. I pull away and she looks into my eyes before kissing my cheek and sitting herself into the car seat. I pull out of the parking lot and start heading back home.

Abigail's POV-

When Shawn called he told me that our mom was not feeling well. I told him that we were going home now and he sounded hurt. Of course he'll be hurt our mom is sick and we are leaving with our dad in three days.

"What's wrong?"

"My moms not feeling good."

"Oh that's why Shawn called you?"

"Yeah to let me know. I hate this."

"You hate what?"

"That I'm practically being forced to move in with my father. Who also cheated on my mom! She's over here sick and I'm supposed to leave her here alone? With no one to take care of her." I take a deep breath and let out a loud sigh.

"I don't want to say things will get better because I don't know if they will. Just hope and pray to God that everything will be okay."

"Thank you, I lost it for a second there."

"You don't need to thank me I'm your boyfriend and your best friend, okay?"

"Okay." I smile at him and get comfortable in the seat.

"Take a nap, I'll wake you up when we arrive alright?" I'm too tired to say anything so I just nod. I wrap myself with Matt's jacket and fall asleep.

Matt's POV-

After almost an hour we finally get to Abigail's house and I'm exhausted. I look over at her and she's in a deep sleep. Should I be a good boyfriend and take her inside? Or just wake her up? It's too late, I'll wake her up.

"Abigail!!" I scream inside if the car.

"What?! Who died?" She wakes up and looks around.

"Nobody but we're home."

"Seriously?" She gives me a death glare and I cover my eyes with her hands.

"Sorry come on let's go inside." I get out and open the door for her. I lead her into her bedroom and help her get comfortable. She gets under the covers before telling me to hand her the sleeping plants. I get out room for a little bit and wait until she's done. I go back in, take my shirt off throwing it on the ground before laying down with her. I pull her close to me and tuck my head in her neck. She grabs my face and plays with my hair. I turn her around to face me and lean in to kiss her.

Every time that you get undressed

I hear symphonies in my head

I wrote this song just looking at you

Yeah the drums they swing low

And the trumpets they go....

Short chapter but i updated! So I've decided that this story is going to end soon :( I just wasn't getting the feels anymore sorry guys. But I'm working on a new fanfic and that will be up after I finish this one! So once it's done, it's done.


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