♂ (1) You get sick

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- Shuichi decided to call you to see how you were doing

- Though he was greeted by you complaining about being sick

- Literally drops everything he's doing and rushes over to your apartment

- Super worried

- Will literally do anything you ask of him

- aNyThInG yOu sAy ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)


- Kiibo came over to your apartment to say hi when he found you on the couch dying

- Immediately runs to the nearest drug store and buys any cold medicine he could get his robotic hands on

- Makes you take a shit ton of medicine

- "If you don't drink the medicine you'll still be sick! Say ahhhh"

- Uses himself as a heating pad


- You decided to call Kokichi to tell him your sick

- Mistakes have been made...

- After you told him two minutes later, he was right at your door with a bunch of cold medicine

- Demands cuddles

- "Come-on (Y/N) let's cuddle! It'll make you feel better!"

- Though the next day he gets sick


- You and Gonta were supposed to go out today, so he stopped by your apartment to pick you up. But he was surprised to see you surrounded by a mountain of tissues and coughing like a madman

- Really confused about what to do

- Goes to the store to buy medicine

- Buys the wrong type of medicine

- "Um... (Y/N) what is a Pep-toe Bis-mal?"

- In the end, you know he meant well


- You called Korekiyo to ask if he had some ancient magic BS remedy for a cold

- The thing is he actually does-

- He hand-makes the remedy for you, and it actually works

- Stays by your side giving comfort the entire time

- "If you need anything, my love, call me ok."


- The two of you were playing a round of tennis when you started feeling sick so the two of went to your apartment

- Cracks jokes to make you feel better

- Lets you wear his hat for the day

((aUthoR~cHaN iS laZy sO No QuOtE-))


- You weren't answering his texts, so he went to your apartment to see whats up

- Found you on the floor of your kitchen eating food while dying of a cold

- Knows what to do since his sisters are the same way

- Makes you sleep

- "(Y/N) sLeeP plEASE! If you do ill give you (Favorite food)"

- He knows you so well my god-


- When he heard you were sick, he sped over to your apartment 20 miles over the speed limit

- Bursts into your apartment and it startles you

- "Attempts" to make soup

- Almost burns down your apartment

- "Is soup supposed to smell like that..? Wait holy sHiT iT's On FiRe."

- Askes Kirumi to make soup for you instead

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