♂ (6) You go to the beach with him

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Yes I know its only May sHH

Please request Oof-

━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━


- It was just some random day, and you were like "Let's go to the beach!"

- And Shuichi was like "k"

- That's pretty much how it went

- Sunburns easily so he doesn't move from under the umbrella

- "If I get out from under the umbrella, I'll turn into a lobster!"

- Poor boy steps out for about 10 minutes, and his face turns into a tomato


- Honestly, you didn't want to go the beach with him since he's a robot

- Once he told you he was waterproof the car was already packed with supplies, and you guys were already in the car before Kiibo new it

- Freaks out about all of the people there

- Kinda hates the beach because of the sand

- It gets in the little crevices of his robot body, and they're a pain to get out

- "N-no (Y/N) If I get off the towel then I'll get even more sand in my mainframe!"

- Poor boy :')


- You guys literally act like a bunch of Toddlers at the beach

- Ha fuck sunscreen who needs that

- Builds super crazy sand castles

- In the end, a wave knocks over your sand castle

- Rip Kokichi



- Has never seen the ocean before

- You told him it was like a giant salty lake

- So Shuichi if he was a lake

- Calls the Ocean a Lake since then

- Gonta didn't understand that the ocean is salty

- So he gets thirsty or something' and he drinks the Ocean water bc you told him it was "Just like Lake water" and he freaked out about the funky taste

- Poor boy also thinks the Ocean is trying to murder you bc of the waves

- Just like your standing in the ocean and then a wave comes along, and Gonta will jump out and stand in front of you to "Protect" you from the incoming wave

- "(Y/N) get behind Gonta! Gonta will protect you from scary wave."


- Doesn't take off his mask

- Like he takes off all his other clothes ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) But not his mask just confused you

- You try and take it off multiple times

- "Trust me (Y/N) you don't want to know what's under there"


- It was honestly a pretty chill day

- You and Ryoma were making a smol sand castle when a bunch of kids came over and asked Ryoma to play with them bc they thought he was their age

- And you fucking lost it

- Then Ryoma started talking, and the kids freaked out

- "Sorry Kids but I'm way older than you so scram"

- "Excuse me but what the fuck-"

- The kid's response killed you even more


- You guys realized you have no beach supplies, so you go buy them

- You buy a bunch of shit you're never gonna use

- Like 2 beach balls, 4 sand castle buckets, and an inflatable alligator that Rantaro named Jesus

- You also pack a shit ton of food

- And you both ate it all o o f

- It was a pretty chill day

(( No qUotE sHHHH ))


- Tries to make you wear a bikini

- Ha no

- While at the store he gave you a bunch of revealing bathing suits to wear

- "Commonnnn (Y/N) wear one p l e a s e"

- In the end to make him stop complaining you wear one of the Bikinis

Affinity ➸ Danganronpa v3 Scenarios / ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora