♂ (4) When he has a crush on you

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- Stares at you sometimes

- If you look back at him, he'll turn his head blushing like a madman

- Blushes under any sort of contact

- You kinda use that to your advantage... a lot

     - You hugged from behind once, and he turned into a fucking tomato

- Poor boi :')


- Doesn't understand what a crush and/or love is

     - Flat out asks you

     - That was an awkward day

- Gets kinda jealous when people especial guys talk to you

- If you hug him or get too close to his face, he'll overheat, and you have to take him to Miu to help him restart his systems


- Becomes hella clingy

- Always tries to get your attention

- If he sees you talking to another guy, he'll literally butt into you and that guy's conversation and usher you away


- You two often hang out during your free time

- You talk about bugs n' shit idk

- Gonta will pick you up and put you on his back randomly and will carry you around

     - You'd just be hella confused

- So you're walking then all of the sudden Gonta comes out of nowhere and pick you up and puts you on his back


- Kork was originally going to kill you, but his sister told not to

- Tries to spend all his free time with you

- Hardcore Glaring when a guy hits on you


- He doesn't act all that different

- Mostly because he just keeps his little crush to himself

- Though if you compliment him or get a little too close to his face, he'll avert his eyes with a light blush on his face


- Normally good at keeping his crushes to himself

- Though it's much more obvious he  has a crush on you than Ryoma

- Tries to display some affection. Like...

- Using you has a chin rest

     - (IF) you're shorter than him he'll rest his chin on your head at random times

- When asked about this he'll just avert the question with a light blush on his face


- Out of the v3 cast, he's the most obvious

- Literally asks you outright what your type is, Preferred blood type, and stuff like that

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I can never think of shit for Kaito uGHHHH soRry this one is sHIT

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