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Yoongi decided to just deal with the fact that Jimin wasn't leaving anytime soon, so he thought that if he'd ignore him, he'd go away eventually. But nope. It only made him stronger.

Yoongi sat on the couch, wrapped in blankets, trying to watch quality television when Jimin plopped down next to him.

"Give me a compliment." Jimin ordered, it usually always worked with people like him, because normally they were only like that during the mornings, before their coffee or breakfast. But Yoongi didn't seem to drink coffee and he already had his breakfast, so he should be nice now, right? Wrong.

"No." Yoongi scooted down the couch from him. There were plenty of things to be said about Jimin. That his hair looked soft, that his cooking was tasty, or that his outfit was nice. But Yoongi said nothing like that. Why was he so difficult to make friendly?

"Give me a compliment." Jimin repeated, this time scooting closer to the elder and taking the remote from his side and changing the show to cartoons.

"Yah! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Yoongi reached to snatch it back but Jimin slipped out of his reach and slid the remote into his pants once he was standing.

"If you want this back, I'll be needing a compliment." Jimin smirked and skipped away. Yoongi groaned aloud, burying himself into the blanket. Jimin gigged from around the corner, that was a sign that his attitude was cracking.

There was a moment in time when Jimin had actually left the house. In this time, Yoongi was quick to hide all of the spare keys outside, since Jin lost them often, and added a padlock to the door.

Yoongi felt at peace as he rested along the couch scrolling through his phone. He was close to falling asleep again when there were knocks at his door. He smiled in content, remembering that he was now free from the little munchkin.

"Yoongi~ let me in~!" Jimin begged.

"Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin." Yoongi mockingly chuckled.

"But I have your laptop~" that was all it took for Yoongi's eyes to shoot open. He quickly jumped up and ran upstairs and checked his bed. Isn't wasn't where he left it which made him run back downstairs to open the door, panting and shaking as he quickly put in the code, swinging the door open.

He held Jimin by his shoulders at the door, looking over his body for his baby. "Where is she?" Yoongi even went to feeling along him for any sign of a hard flat surface.

"Where is who?" Jimin tilted his head, trying to push his way in, only to be held back by Yoongi's arms holding him still.

"My laptop, where did you put her?" He was bent over, hands on his waist as he felt his pockets, as if it could be there, but he felt anyway just for good measure.

"Ohhh," Jimin realized. "I lied, it's under your pill-" Yoongi slammed the door in Jimin's face and ran upstairs to check. However he didn't lock the door which gave Jimin and open invitation back into his home.

Jimin chuckled and shook his head as he made his way to the kitchen with all of his supplies.

"Be Nice" • Yoonmin •Where stories live. Discover now