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Since that morning, Yoongi has tried to avoid all contact Jimin. Keyword: tried. Jimin, however, hadn't let him go a step out of his sight and continued to try to engage him in a conversation.

Not to mention how many good deeds Yoongi has done since the 'incident' that he wasn't even aware of. For example, the other night Jin had come over, Yoongi complimented his jacket. Then before he left, he reminded him that his keys were on the coffee table. Then a few days later, Yoongi was the one to prepare breakfast but instead of cooking it, he went out and ordered it. And didn't get into an argument with the worker. Now that, Jimin didn't know about, but he would be incredibly proud of he did. As if he wasn't proud enough already.

Yoongi cringed softly, once again wrapped in a blanket with his legs crossed on the couch. He was watching TV but Jimin wasn't there with the remote so getting comfortable was pretty difficult since he had to get up to change things. And if there was one thing he hated, it was moving.

"I'VE DECIDED!" Jimin exclaimed from the kitchen, making Yoongi flinch. He sighed and looked over his shoulder to see Jimin standing there in front of the chart with balled up fists on his hips. He had been so invested in his show that he had completely forgotten about the younger. But seeing him there didn't make him want to groan and sigh, but instead made a small smile twitch onto his face. "Yoongi-ah~ can you come here please?" Jimin politely called out, followed by the smooth paced steps of the elder coming to stand behind him, still wrapped in his blanket. "This will be a significant moment in history." Jimin giggled before he ripped a sticker in half, wincing a bit which Yoongi couldn't help but crack a smile at. "Here, put this half on the good side."

The small crinkled half he was given not even sticking to Jimin's finger anymore. After all, the younger has been deciding on it's placement for the last few days and he wasn't willing to throw away a sticker which as important meaning as this one. It didn't look as small compared to Jimin's chubby pointer finger, but once Yoongi reached out to take it, it suddenly srunk a couple centimeters. He, once again, cracked a smile.

And with placing his 4th and a half sticker on the good side of the chart, he actually felt proud of himself. Really proud of himself.

"Do you see how far you've come Yoongi?" Jimin grinned over at him.

"With your help, I do. Th-thanks." Yoongi mumbled into the blanket. Jimin giggled lightly and Yoongi closed his eyes, hiding his pale blush under the blanket. "What's so funny?" He glared down at him, voice muffled from the lower half of his face being held under the fluffy blanket.

"Is that blush because for me Yoongi?" Jimin smiled, making Yoongi turn his head.

"Y-yah!" He shouted, fixing the blanket so that it was higher. Jimin calmed himself, then reached up to pull it down. Yoongi didn't stop him but only avoided eye contact.

"I didn't know your skin was capable of having such pretty color. You're so pale." He whispered lightly. His hands gently held the hem of the ruffled blanket down as he looked over the elders smooth, light skin.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" They made eye contact, with Jimin's face being close enough for the two to easily lock lips, yet the thought came to neither of their minds.

Except Yoongi's.

"Be Nice" • Yoonmin •Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz