Three united social Outcast.

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I had finally got through my first three classes, I was already gonna be late for my fourth so i decided to take my time, then I heard something.

"so your the smart ass new kid? little scrawny, what do you think Kenny?"

"Yeah he is, why don't we help buff him up a bit?"

I rounded the corner to find Parker getting pushed around, I was about to go and stop them until this girl walked up.

"BRO! Leave him alone!"

"And what are you gonna do if we don't, Kayse?" One of the guys asked.

"Oh, you know what I can do, and will do." she replied starting stretching a bit.

"Really? I don't think we do." the guy holding my brother said.

they pushed Parker to the side. The guy that I think was called Kenny walked up to her, she stomped on his toe then pushed him into the locker. One down one to go. The next one threw a punch that caught her shoulder. That seemed to just piss her off even more, she punched him the stomach, then smashed his face into her knee. I actually think she broke his nose.

Parker was on the ground, still. I rushed over to him and asked, " you okay baby bro?"

"y-yeah I guess." he answered.

I looked back over to the girl named Kayse. She was picking up her things to leave when the Kenny pulled her to the ground and climbed on top of her.

He held her down and was reeling back to punch her, then I kicked him in his face. Parker was shocked, you see I am not very violent, but once a guy tries to hurt a girl all hell breaks loose. The guy fell to the side of Kayse clutching his nose.

Kayse stared at me wide eyed, even though this isn't my first time in fight I still shock myself, you see in my old school, Parker and I were bullied, but I'd defend myself, he couldn't. Cause while i took boxing, and fighting. He took art and music.

"thanks" she said grabbing her bags.

"um your welcome" I replied awkwardly.

I started walking away, slinging my bag higher on my shoulder.

"hey you the new senior?" I hear her ask.

I turned and nodded.

"everyone's right you are pretty." she smiled at me.

"oh and you should sit with me and my friends at lunch" was the last thing she said helping the guys she just took down up.

I nodded and my brother and I rushed to class. I had Reading plus, it was some program to help you improve your reading, I didn't really get to choose my classes Chase did.

I slipped into the classroom and into the seat close to the door. Then.......Kayse? yeah Kayse walked in. She slipped into the desk right next to me. She didn't even notice she was sitting next to me. Then I look at her and find that she was reading a comic book, that she had slipped inside her textbook. From her I didn't think she'd hide reading, maybe texting but reading?

"hello, class I know i'm 30 minutes late but i had a emergency.  hope you enjoy doing nothing cause we don't have enough time."

"Go Home!" the guy i ran into this morning said, pretty loudly I might say.

"well" Mr. Alex said looking annoyed , "Mr. Jessie Parker, well how about you go to the principal?" he asked his glasses balancing on the tip of his nose.

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