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Hayes and I have been dating for a long while and for our anniversary I wanted to do something special. He had taken me around his hometown and now I wanted to take him around mine. I planned to take us around my life before we met and then into how we met.

"Hayes I got big plans for us today" He looks over and smiles at me as he climbs into my car.

"I'm excited babe"

We drive for about an hour until I'm in my hometown. I recognize the streets and the trees and the houses. All kinds of memories flowed back into my head.

"Babe are we back where you grew up?" He looks around the windows scanning the houses.

"Oh yes totally. I'm super excited to show you. That house there is where I grew up. The one story house on the corner was my best friends and my grandfather lived directly next door and my grandma a crossed the street."

He just looks around in awe. We got out of the car and walked back into the woods along a trail I made eons ago.

"That house belonged best friend. For some reason we just stopped talking and she never tried to return my efforts so I lost that relationship and now her house just rots there." We drive a while further to where I met Hayes.

"And if you look around the corner is the high school I met you. I remember just standing in awe that you were even talking to me. I was just a shy new kid from nowhere moving to a big city. I have huge admiration for you then and I have the same now"

"I was going to wait longer for the perfect time to do this but it seems that the car is filled with love and admiration and this is where I fell in love with you. You looked absolutely beautiful. I can't help but spend the absolute rest of my life with you. I want to build a family and get old and wrinkly together. I don't care if your boobs touch the floor when we're 80 I'll love you forever and I want to do this"

He leans down and out of the car. I followed and he runs toward the school. He takes my hand and kneels and proposes.

"Woah grandma that extremely romantic" I stood there looking at my grandchildren in-front of me listening to me tell my endless love stories.

"Of course it is. He was the man of my dreams"

I felt that if I did Hayes hometown it might be slightly repetition so there this one is. And there significantly older in the story then now.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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