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Hi, everybody. Okay, so the author of this book told me to introduce myself, and tell a little about myself, not too much though. Don't want to give too much of the story away. Anyway, my name is Midnight Petrova-Morningstar. Daughter of Kate Petrova and Lucifer Morningstar. Oops. I wasn't supposed to tell you my father's name. Oh, well, but shh. Don't tell the author, she gets cranky when someone spoils her stories. She'll end up deleting this, so if you wish to read keep quiet. Anyway, back to the point. *Sighs* I keep getting sidetracked. I can't tell you what I am, but I will be impersonating as a powerful witch also as Elena Gilbert's identical twin. Ooh, this shall be fun! Only a few people know who and what I truly am, family excluded. The residents in Mystic Falls know me as Midnight Gilbert, besides Rebekah, Finn, and the Salvatores. You'll find out why soon. Btw, that means by the way, Rebekah is my best friend. We've been best friends for... Oh, wait I can't tell you. It would give too much away. Oh, Rebekah is now awake from her 90-year nap! Yay! I may have woken her up a couple times in between then and now, but shh. That's our little secret. Oh, yea Rebekah also invited me to this huge ball type thingy. I was so confused. I mean it's the 21st century people, but I told her I would go anyway. I got nothing else to do so may as well go and see what happens. Oi! I can't wait to see her! I haven't seen her since the last time I woke her up, which was like 37 years ago! I miss her! We're practically twins! We're never apart, unless she's daggered, she's my sister. I would do anything for her. Which is why I'm on my way to Mystic Falls. Let's see how this trip will go. Oh, and before I go I should probably tell you my personality. I'm funny, sweet, caring, kind, a bitch when needed, a psycho, I can also be a bit bipolar at times, sarcastic, and a huge sweetheart to the people who deserve it. If you don't then as I said before I'm a bitch. I also have a HUGE secret only Rebekah knows! Oh, I also have a HUGE surprise for her! Heh, this will be a surprise for her indeed. I can't wait to show her! Anyway, I'm Midnight Morningstar, and this is my story.

Rebekah's Best Friend (Elijah, Kol, Klaus)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang