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heyy y'all —
so i figured i could start fresh cause my previous account and ffs were just annoying me cause of how poorly i wrote em #CringeFest (and never finished them *nervous laughter*)

and then comes the question–
then why should we read this?
hdjdjcnd i promise I'll do a better job, pls notice me sun(baes) and gimme that hoely lobe and support :')💕

now back to this- soooo i thought of starting with something a lil light, a book of texts and imagines between you and your favorite kpop idols ::)

imhellanervousdjjdjfnf he l p

uh m hope y'all enjoy


                                          – ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )

*pretty sure i creeped out most of you with lenny bby-* heuheu~

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