chapter 2

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Ok so three quick announcements. First off I forgot to announce I was working on this story with creepy gerbil so you guys should go follow them and read there stories because they are really super good. There a super amazing person.
Second unfortunately I have not had time to completely edit this chapter. I have gotten a lot of the mistakes fixed but not all of them are so please forgive me. oh and one other quick thing if you like my story please vote, comment, and  share.  Sadly there is only one more chapter left.  With that my Rebels here's my story

Week later

Jessica woke up to loud sounds from outside. Thinking it was the people who normally bully her she walked as low as possible to the door. As she approached she started to think it sounded like arguing. When she opened the door she saw TJ arguing with another kid.

Jessica  TJ what are you doing here?

TJ I just got back and was coming over to hang out with you when I saw this kid spray painting on your front door. He spat whail glaring at the kid she looked at the kid.

He was probably 17 and more a hoodie and jeans. As she looked at the door she started to panic, her secret was out
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it did not take an genius to know what he was going to say. Her eyes started to water. As she turned to look at TJ he punched the other kid. He got on him and started beating the kid.

Jessica TJ no. Stop please. TJ please.
The tears pouring down her face now as she pulled at TJ trying to get him away from the kid. As soon as the kid had enough room to leave he took off running away from TJ.

TJ What the heck Jessica? TJ asked angrily facing her. How long? How long has this been going on? How long have people been telling you things like that? He yelled.
Jessica  Three years she whispered.
TJ Three years? Were you going to tell me? He whispered with Misty Eyes. When she saw the tears she cried harder.
Jessica I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. she sobbed.
TJ why are you upset? You don't have the right to be upset. You could have told me about this. I would have stopped it from happening. He yelled with tears in his eyes. You chose to suffer though. You chose to go through this. He yelled.
With that he stormed to his car and drove off. She fell to the ground and cried after crying for an hour she stumbled into the house and into the shower. She turned it on hot and sat down so the shower would give a rain like feeling. She stopped crying and re played the fight with TJ over and over again. after hours of this and the water turning cold like how she felt she stepped out of the shower.
How could I? How could I cause the only person to truly understand me so much pain? She whispered to herself. It's all my fault. He should not have to suffer because of me. He did not deserve it. It's all my fault. She stumbled to the bathroom counter. With shaky hands she grabbed the pocket knife out of her jacket. The one she use so often to carve wood now will be will be used to carve the sins  she has done. One cut. To cut. 3 cut. She wins when she felt the cut but she deserved it. All the pain she caused everyone else now we'll be put on her. 10 cut. 11 cut. 12. A long her legs arms anywhere she could cut she did. 21 cut. 22 to cut. 23. no more people will get hure because of her she dragged the knife to her wrist and delivered the final blow. As the knife fell to the the puddle of blood on the floor and her thoughts and Visions got sharper she could hear everything now she could see so many things she didn't see before she counted the tiles on her roof and as her vision started to fade she said maybe this was a mistake. With that she passed out.

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