Chapter Two: Big Day

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"COME ON, EVERYONE! We have a BIG day ahead of us. The president is coming to see our work on the girls at 9:00. Everything has to be perfect today," The chief of the laboratory said sternly.

"You're lucky I'm in here and you're out there; if you were in here when you said that, I'd freeze you with no mercy, for one, shouting at us, and two, getting here at 5:00 am," I muttered.

"UP AND AT 'EM! WE HAVE A LOT OF TESTS TO RUN!" Some scientists opened the doors to our cages, and squirted freezing cold water at us as an attempt to wake us up. I sat up quickly, so they could see that I'm awake. I saw Lily quickly getting up and striking a karate pose, Ruby jumping up as high as a kangaroo, Willow glaring in the direction of where the water came from, and Wendy blinking her eyes open. Fern got up slowly and yawned; she was still half asleep.

"Since you said, 'up and at 'em', if I get up, can I get at you or any of your workers?" I asked, snarling like a wolf.

"I'm guessing that you've never heard of beauty sleep or sweet dreams," Fern said, her eyes showing that she was furious of being woken up an hour earlier than usual.


As scientists came to guide us to the lab, Fern warned, "If you touch me, you will be ash in a few seconds, so don't even think about touching me, or Crystal,"

"Yeah. We're not babies; we can walk to and from places on our own," I said. For our snarky comments and bad attitude, we each received slaps in our faces.


"Ouch! Why is the millionth shot necessary? Haven't we taken enough of these horrible, painful shots?" I asked. Since the day we got here, there were shots, after shots, after shots, after shots.

"You try to make me show my powers to the president, I'll show him how I behead someone with a boulder," I heard Ruby say. I smiled a bit, but not enough to be noticed. These scientists may not know it, but sometimes, we can be fierce. I know we all will make a great team someday, even if we don't break out.

It's 8:30, and we still have to be the "guinea pigs" in all these experiments and DNA tests (I hope they soon know that unfairness to the people usually results in rebellion. Just look at what happened with the ancient Chinese civilization. There were a lot of rebels out there). The closest holiday is Thanksgiving. That's a week away, and that will hopefully be when we all escape. We're still working out the details, but we're coming close to the final draft of the plan.

The number one plan in my head right now is to endure as much of these tests as possible. I thought to Fern, Lily, Ruby, Wendy, and Willow. We have to be strong -ouch- for one more week, or maybe less.

Maybe, if we withstand as much as we can, Willow thought to all of us, the -ow- president will shut this "necessary project" down.

After taking a billion shots (and finding out that we're going to have to take a billion more when the president gets here), we were herded back to our cages at 8:50.

"On a scale from one to ten, what's the probability of this plan working?" I asked. "I say eight,"

Fern answered, "I'd say seven,"

Lily added, "Nine,"

Ruby hesitated. "Seven," she finally said.

"I'm guessing... eight," Wendy said.

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