Chapter Four: Back to the Lab

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"Get up, you lazy girls! Get up!" A voice shouted.

I blinked my eyes open, still dreary from staying up really late and putting our escape plan into action. A few seconds later, a blow came to my cheek, the pain and shock startling me awake. I scrambled to my feet, wondering why I was hit and who I was hit by.

"You are now our science slaves and the subjects of our experiments, you fugitives. You will always be under the watch of at least one guard, so you won't try to escape again, and-"

Everyone was awake by then, and Lily, who was fuming mad, asked, "Are you kidding me? First of all, I haven't been in the U.S. for long, but I'm pretty sure that slavery is outlawed here, even if it's for science. Second, we are teenagers who are trying to find our families, not prisoners running from jail. Do you have any other ideas to who we are?"

"I know exactly who you are," a girl said, stepping out of the shadows and into the morning light. She looked a bit older than me, and was wearing a tie dye shirt and tan tights. Her tan skin was almost the same color as her hair. She had golden glasses circling midnight black eyes. "You all put me in a revoltingly small glass cage yesterday, and even barricaded the walls, so I wouldn't get out."

"You're the shape-shifter!" Fern realized, her eyes opening wide. "You're working for Mr. Databaise, aren't you?"

The girl snorted. "Working for him? That's outrageous. I'm his daughter, Fiona Databaise. We're a team. And we both say that you all are coming back with us."

"Well, we're not going back. You can't make us come easily, we will fight back. Hard, and we never give up. I know we're not going with you, at least not without a fight." Willow said, folding her arms.

"Fine, then. A fight it is," Fiona whistled, and a dozen guards appeared. Two of them paired up on each of us, trying to knock us out and get us into handcuffs. Little did they know, we all have our own unique way of fighting, but no matter how we fight, we all can pack a big punch. Especially when we work together.

Crystal, Do you think you could freeze the guards' feet, so they wouldn't be able to attack us? Wendy asked as she deflected a guard's punch and sent him flying into a wall using her wind powers.

I think so, I replied. I'll try my best to do it. I ran around every guard, so no one could pin me down, or try to stop me without having to chase me. As I ran, I summoned some of my ice powers to my hands, getting ready to fire at the guards. Blast, blast, blast. These were easy hits, they all hit the bullseyes. Soon, every guard was confused, wondering why they couldn't move. Their guns did nothing to help them break free, my ice can only be broken by me, or Fern.

I turned around, and my eyes widened. Apparently, while I was blasting feet, more guards had appeared and put handcuffs on everybody else while no one was looking. Now everyone was coming for me, trying to bound my hands together.

"Let my friends go!" I shouted, and I sprung into action. I tried to dodge the guards and set my new friends free, but I found out that I couldn't zip through anyone slow enough to free someone, but fast enough to miss being caught. Soon, I was squirming in the arms of a large guard. You don't want to mess with a person with superpowers, especially me. I thought. I started to get colder, and colder. My hands started to turn to ice, but I didn't feel anything. That's normal for me; turning as cold as ice gets my opponent off of my back. The guard soon dropped me to the ground, blowing on his hands to try to warm them up. No one else dared to get me, they didn't want their hands to become icebergs. Everyone watched me, wondering what I was going to do next.

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