Chapter Five: Escape and Caught Again

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Another week went by, and we still didn't come up with a foolproof plan. We were tired, hungry, and barely enduring the experiments.

Ruby, what if you cut the bracelets off using a diamond? Wendy wondered. Could you do that?

What would I do after? If scientists came at that moment when I got free, I couldn't hide, unlike Crystal. Ruby pointed out.

I just got lucky that I remembered what I could do. I think my ice powers could also hold other people, so I could stick you guys up to the ceiling if needed. But, we need a plan if not everyone gets free in time. I crossed my arms and thought hard.

I figured out something. In the lab, I overheard that there's a mole in here. Lily was smiling with hopefulness shining in her chestnut brown eyes.

A mole? How does that help us? Willow asked. I don't think an animal that digs through dirt and eats worms would be very helpful right now.

I don't think Lily's talking about the animal mole, she means a double agent mole. Possibly someone who could help us out if we found out who he or she was. I said thoughtfully.

Fern stated, Guys, we can find out who the mole is. Telepathy can go one way or two. We can read other's minds, it's just that they can't read ours or communicate with us.

Great! So, the next person who goes into the lab, try to find out as much as you can on who the mole is, or any other helpful info. I ordered, excited to finally have another chance to get out.

That opportunity is coming up fast. Look! Ruby nodded her head in the direction of the two female scientists coming our way.

"Let's see here... we need you," one of them said pointing at me, "you," to Fern, "and you." her finger ended at Lily. We walked out of our rooms and stood there. I saw one of the scientists swipe a card in front of the camera in each of our rooms. I glared defiantly at the scientists, showing that I wasn't coming so easily.

"She'll need a rope," one of them said to the other scientist. I backed away as they came closer. The shadows enclosed around me as my back bumped against the bedroom wall. I started to climb the wall, while keeping my distance from the scientists. When I was officially on the ceiling, I moved towards the entryway. Hanging on tight, I slipped a card out of one of their coats and into my hand. I jumped down and ran to the other rooms as the scientists stood there, wondering where I had gone.

"Come on," I coaxed them. "Let's get out of here while we have the chance." I swiped the card in front of the cameras and pulled them out of their rooms. After freezing the wall, I herded my friends up onto the ceiling. With me leading the way, and Fern in the back, we inched our way to the exit.

There were six muscular guards by the doors. They all were holding guns. Okay, here's the plan. I'll freeze the guards' mouths, hands, and feet. Since it's the afternoon, we have about 10 hours until midnight. We need to find food, shelter, money, and new identities fast...

As I gave my friends the play-by-play, I didn't notice that the guards noticed us. Crack went the ceiling in front of me. Bring went the alarm.

"Great, just great. Okay guys, follow me." I turned around and moved as fast as I could. Scientists were coming from every room, and still asking for reinforcements on walkie talkies.

"Now we're the talk of the century. Where to next, Crystal?" Ruby asked.

"I don't know! There's gotta be a back exit somewhere, I just don't know where!"

"Well you'd better think of something fast, they're starting to shoot at us!" Wendy dodged a bullet zipping by.

Willow opened her mouth, and closed it a few seconds later. "Turn left at the next fork!" She directed.

"Are you sure?" I asked.


We quickly moved down the hall, and turned where Willow said to. "Willow, I'm putting you in charge of us getting out, since you said you're good at navigating," I said. "Do you think you can do that, with you being blind and all?"

"No problem. I'll just tell you guys where to turn, that's all. Make a right here."

We crawled for about an hour, with scientists and guards on our tails. "It should be around here," Willow said. "Does anyone see it?"

"I do! Come on guys, get down quickly!" I made a path down the wall and helped everyone down. I heard the thudding of shoes, and the click-clack of high heels. "They're catching up!"

"Well, well well. What do we have here?" I saw three teenagers -two girls, one boy- run down the hall, blocking our way back. One of them looked really familiar.

"Fiona! I'd recognize you anywhere!" Wendy said. "Who are your friends?"

"This is Sid Scope, the best teen scientist ever," she said, gesturing to the boy, "and Patricia Fayme. She's a celebrity, and is always on top of the latest story."

"And this is the greatest story yet! I'm totally telling everyone about this." Patricia said excitedly. She had black hair, green eyes, white skin, and a fancy hot pink dress that went with silver high heels.

"Yeah, and I'll get famous for experimenting on you girls." Sid smiled menacingly. He had a red hoodie jacket and brown jeans on. His blue baseball cap hid most of his brown hair.

"That's if you do, and you never will," Lily said. She felt around the door and found the handle. "Come on, let's go guys." Scientists were starting to flood the hall.

We turned around and leapt out the door, where a nasty surprise was waiting for us. We each got caught in the arms of a guard. "Oh no, they found us! We can't go back the way we came, a bunch of scientists are there. We're stuck!" Fern said disappointingly, squirming with her arms in the hands of a muscular, tattooed man.


Here's chapter five! -_- it's so bad. BUT I WILL NOT EDIT.....

Actually@Sunsetbriarmoon and @AGirlNamedDragon convinced me to edit Inseparable. But I'm gonna post the rest of the chapters without edits before editing them. The new story will probably be so incredibly different that the only thing similar about them will be the characters' names and powers. 

Keep commenting! Oh, and this star's name is Sparkle. She's Twinkle's twin and has the same dream. Help her out, please. ;)

Jamillia Tudali

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