Liar, Liar Chapter Nine

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Three months passed, and Sydney along with Steve formed a great relationship, but they shared more of a friend type of relationship rather then boyfriend girlfriend. During these three months, Evan's birthday came to pass- and the family celebrated his birthday, where he got many gifts; one of which was a little dog he named Biscuit. Sharon meanwhile, had tried to spend a little more time with Evan and Sydney, but for the most part was still off doing her work. 

Sydney during these three months, began to see something; every time she told a lie, shortly thereafter it would actually come true-- which was starting to make her worried, that if she were to lie about something big, it would come true. But for the most part she tried to brush it aside, and keep on her life, despite the fact of being taken advantage of quite a lot in school, her life was still quite okay for her.

Now, skipping three months into the future; it was another school day for Sydney, but this time she left the home without her little brother-- Evan at this time was to sick to go to school, and so Sydney was going to go herself. Sharon meanwhile hired a baby sitter to watch Evan while she was at work. With this, the visual showed that of the school; as Sydney could be seen hurrying to her class. When she was stopped by another man about her age, however he seemed ticked off at the time

"HEY!" He yelled angrily pointing his finger towards her, as she backed up.

"T-Tommy!" Sydney said, as he approached her.

"You were suppose to be doing some of my boys homework" Tommy said coming up to her angrily.

"I-I did!" Sydney said in a panic.

"YOUR LATE TO CLASS, that got him in trouble! his work wasn't turned in!" Tommy yelled clenching his fist angrily.

"I-I'M SORRY, it's's just my brother was in the hospital today, and I had to visit him!" Sydney lied in a panic. 

"Your brother's in the hospital?" Tommy asked seeming to calm down.

"Y-Yeah, he broke his leg in a car accident! a car hit him!" Sydney lied.

" that case..fine...I'll let it slide.." Tommy said, as Sydney handed him the papers of his friends homework.

"H-Here..take it..." Sydney said, as she quickly rushed into class.


Sydney began to go about her normal classes like it was a normal school day, however during gym class; something she hadn't expected happened.

With this, the visual showed that of Sydney heading to gym class, until she was stopped by one of the teachers. Beside her teacher, was her mother Sharon

"M-Mom!?" Sydney asked in a shock to see her mother, as she noticed her mother seemed concerned.

"Sydney, you are excused from the rest of the school day." The teacher informed.

"W-Why?" Sydney asked.

"Your brothers been in an accident ..." Sharon informed her head low.

"W-WHAT!?" Sydney screamed in shock.

"It seems he was hit by a car." The teacher informed.

"Come on, I had to get you first...we need to go see him." Sharon informed, as she began to leave the area with Sydney following her.

"W-Wait a second? Evan okay?" Sydney asked looking at Sharon.

"The caller said that they witnessed the car hitting Evan after he went running after Biscuit, they said they called the ambulance and he was taken in-- before they called me." Sharon informed, as she continued on with.

"Other then that, no details were told."

"....T-This is all my fault." Sydney said shaking her head.

"Your fault?" Sharon asked stopping.

"It's ...It's...because I, I lied about that in school earlier today!" Sydney yelled.

"Oh Sydney, don't be come on let's get a move on." Sharon said pushing Sydney to walk faster, as the two began to head outside towards Sharon's car.


Continue to Chapter Ten.

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