Liar, Liar Chapter Twenty Nine

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  "Are you sure Syd?" Steve questioned.

"....Yeah, I'm sure...even though I may not want too...but maybe it's best.." Sydney said.

"It's alright if you don't want too, I haven't seen him in so many'll be strange." Steve said.

"...No, like I said it's fine.." Sydney said.


With Sydney's choice to go see her father again, she began to talk to her mother and her family about going to see him again-- however none of the family was quite sure; they hadn't seen him in so long, it would be rather hard for them.

With some conversation however, Sydney's grandmother was able to convince them all to go see Jason in prison; and the family decided to take Steve and Chris along with them.

Soon the visual of the prison came into view, as the visual traveled down into it and revealed Sydney and her family along with Steve and Chris entering into the prison-- as Sydney let out a sigh and said.

"Why am I not surprised that dad ended up here?"


Continue to Chapter Thirty

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