Chapter 11- Playing With A Barbie Doll

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*Katherine's POV*

Harry took me to his hotel again after the date. As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by six suspicious looks. Lisa, sitting next to Niall, winked at me as the boys, excluding Zayn, waggled their eyebrows at Niall. At least I know Zayn's the only mature one here. But there was a clear amount of tenseness between the people in this room. What happened?

I attributed it to a random girl here. She sat on the other side of Niall, and looked like she was trying to get his attention when Harry and I walked in. She was definitely shorter than me, and I'm no giant. She had to be about 5'1! She had blonde ringlets, about shoulder length, and pale blue eyes that glared at me and Lisa every few seconds. What the hell was up with her?

Harry stiffened beside me at the sight of the girl.

'Hello, Harry,' she purred at him. She better stop that purring before I punch her in the throat, I immediately thought. Let's see her purr then.

Harry pulled me closer to him, and whispered in my ear, 'Calm down. You're crushing my hand,' he chuckled.

I looked down at our intertwined hands and sure enough, my hand was gripping his with all of its strength. I loosened up, and he smiled at me. That smile dropped as soon as he turned back to this little Barbie Doll. That's what she looked like honestly. She even had the pink dress. It was slutty, but still pink.

'Hello, Olivia,' he said, clearly struggling to smile.

She got up and without even a glance black at Niall whom she was shamelessly flirting with before, she headed towards Harry. His grip on my hand tightened as the shrimp got closer. Whatever was up with her, I knew she and I would never be friends.

She glanced at me and plastered an innocent smile on her face.

'Oh Harry, you never told me you were into buying prostitutes,' she said, faking surprise, with evil glinting in her eyes. Well two can play at this game.

Before Harry could defend me I retorted, 'Oh that explains it! I was wondering why there was a random girl in this apartment. Harry, did you buy her off the corner near that deli? I hear the girls there are extra easy, not to mention extremely cheap,' I said, smirking at the girl as her bright red lips dropped open in shock. Yea, bitch.

Everyone in the room tried to stifle their laughs, but it was of no use. Olivia heard the muffled sounds and spun around and glared at everyone. When she realized Harry was trying not to laugh either, she pouted, hiding her anger with fake sadness.

She ran a finger along his arm. 'Harry, are you laughing at me? Because you know how Daddy gets when people laugh at me,' she purred, a cunning smile spreading across her face. Everyone stopped laughing and became very, very serious. I just wanted to punch her in that perfectly make-up caked face. Who the hell was she to be touching my boyfriend like that?! But one thing did bother me, besides her slutty attitude.

Who was her father, that she could threaten the boys with telling on them essentially, and it actually made them stop?

Harry coldly smiled at her, answering her question about his laughter, 'Of course not, Olivia.'

She smirked at me and went back to sit by Niall. I looked at Harry and before I said something else threatening to that bitch, I ask him, 'Care to explain?'

He walks me over to the group. 'This is Olivia. She's our manager's daughter.'

Hmm. That would explain Daddy's powerful influence.

Harry then introduced me to her, 'Olivia, meet my perfect girlfriend, Katherine.'

Olivia fake smiled. 'I heard you declined the invite to be the opening act singer.'

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