End (?)

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We woke up to the sounds of banging and screaming. I frantically looked through the window blinds again and saw dead bodies around town in the pools of their own blood. Blood was splatted everywhere: on the walls, floor, fences, windows, cars, etc.

 I was so focused on the dead-ness outside that I forgot about the loud banging noise. I held Stingy close to me and cried. The banging was from the front door. The house was old and broken down so of course it broke. Shouting men came in with loud stomping on the ground that shook the house like an earthquake. They were coming closer and closer.

Now, they're banging on the bedroom door. They knocked it down as well. My heart was sinking so much that it was probably down hell by now. I couldn't stop myself from shaking. I could've dropped dead by now. The men were inside the room and looked at us with their guns and everything. 

"Both of you are getting killed" said one of the men.

"But why me?" I asked.

"Because you have just been hiding with the man who called our supreme leader 'fat'" said another man.

I looked at Stingy and then back at the men. I was confused as fuck. "That it?"

"Say your last words" said another one of the men, ignoring my questions and pointing his gun at me. Another man was pointing his gun at Stingy. I shook my head 'no' because I was too scared to say anything. Stingy also shook his head. He was silent the whole time.

We both closed our eyes and waited for the trigger. We waited for our death as we couldn't see anything but darkness.

I won't tell you 

where it came from


there was a gunshot

and that's

all you get to know.

(go watch VeggieTales

it's amazing

please and thank you)



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