Brunch and Talk

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I needed a bath. I can't believe what happened last night. Me and Annie I mean yay but ahem I was NOT expecting that. It was the early morning and Annie needed a bath too. She wanted to bath first but she just pulled me in and she started to kiss me. I obviously kissed back but then she pulled away. We were talking about what are we going to say to our friends at school. How in the world is Eren going to react and what will Mikasa think-Mikasa is Annie's best friend-we told each other our plan and how we were going to break it too them. They would obviously be in a shock but that wouldn't bother me or her. About after half an hour we decided to get dressed. I was wearing a red and blue jacket with a white top and blue jeans with grey vans. Annie wore her favourite dress which I personally loved and then we set out for breakfast. We had a chat about how great last night was and how much we liked each other. Then she started to talk about how much she misses her mum and wants her to come home cause her dad is a prick and never lets her do anything for herself it always has to be academic or no it's not happening. Out of no where she asked if we could live together. I didn't turn her down because I knew how much she hated her father. After about an hour we finished talking and made our way to school. As soon as I walked in Eren grabbed me by the arm and pushed me to the side and started talking. I told him what had gone down and he just stared at me. Then Annie cane over and Eren said that we would make a cute couple. I told Annie to tell mikasa when she feels like it. It doesn't hurt my feelings that she may want to keep it a secret cause mikasa can be a bit judgemental.

Done and done next chapter coming soon... at least I hope so. How are you finding the story tell me stuff in the comments and I'll take them into consideration thanks.

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