Author's Note

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If you are looking for more, you are out of luck buddy. That's the end of the story.  This chapter explains what this fanfic means to me.

I began this story when I was 12-13 years old at 2 am after finding FRUK fanart, which stands before you as the cover art of this story. After writing about 4 chapters I gave up on writing it. No one cared for the story's completion and I faded away from the Hetalia fandom.

Months pass without an update. No one knows if this will be finished or forgotten. I don't check the wave of fans longing for more. The following that emerged plead to a creator that does not answer them. That is until I get really bored over winter break. The notifications icon reads 182 in strong red. 

Every school break I get, I write a new chapter for the fanfic. However, this long spacing between chapter led false hope that it would be quickly finished only to be disappointed by my long hiatus. Plus, I would forget my own storyline, re-read what I wrote last year, and try and remember my own plot points. This made writing each chapter more difficult than needed.

At the time of completing this story [March 27, 2018], it is spring break for me. I knew if I was going to finish this story, it was now or in 6 months. From Chapter 10: Crying will solve nothing but a secret plan will onward were completed in 5 days. I hope you can see improvement in my 12-years-old writing to my now 16-years-old writing.

This story is dedicated to all the people that still liked and commented on all of my chapters even though your dought told you I might never come back. You guys are the reason this story was completed!

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