Around the world

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(AN: before i start this chapter i would like to say that this book was an old idea of mine that i never got around to, but finally i want to make this book a thing. I hope you enjoy this book.)💖

(Demi's pov)

I couldn't help but wake up to immense pain on my back. What the hell I thought. I stood up gasping for air something isn't right. God dammit I grabbed onto the nearest object In my room. I was grabbing onto it like my life depended on It.

I limped to the mirror and my eyes widened in pure horror. I let out a blood curling scream and moved away from my mirror avoiding my reflection. This can't be what type of dream I'm I In. I have WINGS! Big flappy angel wings. This physically can't be possible how Is this possible.

I mean I always believed in extra terrestrial creatures, but for me becoming one wasn't In the plan!. I took my phone and called Marissa. Please pick up I whispered quietly to myself. "Hello" I heard her say In a groggy voice.

"Marissa" I whispered with panic In my voice.

"What happened Demi?. Are you having bad thoughts do I need to come".

"Marissa I have wings" I said.

"You have what?" She said In disbelief.

" I have wings" I stuttered.

"What do you mean you have wings?. Demi are you sure you didn't dream It".

" Marissa I'm not joking around I have wings please help I have no idea what to do".

"Alright I will be their in 10 minutes hold on In their".

" I will" I said.

She disconnected. I sat on my bed with my hands in my head. What now I thought. I have angel wings I can't just go out into the public. I can't preform I can't let the world see me. I know If the USA government found me I would become their Guinea pig. I watched to many documents to know what they do.

I heard my door unlock. "Demi" I heard Marissa's voice. Upstairs I said she came up the stairs and opened my bedroom door. Mid way she stopped In her tracks. She stared at me like I had two heads. Well two wings you weren't lying she said amazed.

Of course I wasn't I said. She came up to me and touched them they are really soft. I touched them yeah your right. She sighed what are you going to do now?. I really don't know Rissa I haven't figured that bit out yet. Wait don't you have that orphanage meet up with the little kids event

God dammit I forgot. Maybe we can find a way to hide them. I'm scared Marissa what If they decide to unfold. I can't really control them she sighed. We need to figure something out. I nodded my head and we spilt up looking for solutions.

Eventually we found a solution to make It look like I was wearing a prop not actual angel wings. We both sighed and high fived. Team work I said she nodded her head. I think we deserve a good breakfast she said. I say so as well we went into my kitchen and prepared breakfast.

Skipping breakfast I was in the car on my way to the orphanage event. To say I was excited was an understatement. I was ecstatic to go their and put smiles on the big and little kids faces. Once their I parked on the drive way and got out knocking on the door. A middle aged woman opened the door and a warm smile spread across her face.

Miss Lovato we are so delighted to have you here. I love the angle wings I smiled call me Demi I said smiling and thank you I thought a bit of dressing up would put the fun mood into place. She smiled and nodded her head letting me in. The kids are ready to see you In the living room.

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