Chapter 1

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Hello. so, being the stubborn person i am, i decided to write another story, although my last one only got like 6 reads. but why not try? that's my motto. because it usually applies, lol. this is only the first chapter, i might do the next chapter if people bother to read it. that would be amazing. after i wrote it and read back through it, i realized it seems like i copied the girl who is writing Leaving Harry Styles, although i didn't. just thought i'd say that. (amazing book. read it if you haven't already. it's on Tumblr. go. now.) i got the idea from the Beatles song, (you guessed it!) Get Back. it's the first chaptered fan fiction i've written, so if it sucks, sorry. (: if you enjoy, great! i'd like to know. well, goodbye! xx

*If you like it, please don't be afraid to read the next chapter. no one is. thank you oh-so very much! it gets better the more you read. atleast, I think so. I'm learning!*

if you are reading this, would you please check out my new fanfic? It's called Never an Honest Word, and I have a pretty good plot planned out already! link;


Louis hadn’t been himself lately. He was acting distant, and annoyed with everyone. Including me, his boyfriend. I’ve tried to figure out what’s wrong, but he won’t let me. He’d snap on short notice, bitch at people when they didn’t do anything and he even moved out onto the couch. What had I done wrong? Was this my fault? So many questions, and he wouldn’t even answer them for me. I could fix it, if only I knew. I didn’t like seeing him unhappy, and it made me feel worthless and unloved.


I was annoyed with life. Everyone around me seemed to always be doing something wrong and I was just ready to leave. Harry was always bothering me, pelting me with questions. Fuck you Styles. I should just pack up my stuff and run away. Leave. It wasn’t like me to feel this way, but something had snapped. Now I hated my life. Being in the band was just plain annoying, people always asking us things and snapping photos. Early morning interviews and late nights in the studio. I only sung choruses anyway, why do I even matter in the band?

“Lou… please tell me what’s wrong! I can fix it, I really can! Anything to have you back…” Harry was on me again about my mood.

This was just all too much. Extending my fist, I punched him hard in the cheek. He looked up at me with scared green eyes, about to cry. I could always tell. He cupped his cheek in his hands and ran out of the room. I couldn’t believe what I had just done.

What did Harry do to deserve me? I was horrible. Before I hurt him any farther, I needed to leave. Get out. And never, ever come back. Not that I would want to. Picking up my phone, I checked the time. I would leave tomorrow morning. I went to my room, slamming the door. Grabbing a bag, I filled it with some clothes, toiletries, passport and my laptop.

Then I laid down and tried to forget the world. I wanted to be away from it all. The guilt, hate, and annoying people. Running away will be the best thing I’ve ever done. I don’t care who all hates me after I do, I won’t ever see them again. It won’t matter. I feel asleep to these thoughts, and when I woke in the morning, I was finally happy.

It was exciting, the thought of leaving. But then I smelled Harry’s cooking. Fuck. Was he making me breakfast? Hoping to god he wasn’t, I peeked out of my room, into the kitchen. And sure enough, there he was cooking. Sighing, I quietly shut my door. I went to the bathroom and showered. Soon, I was ready to leave. I picked up my bag and walked out of my room, car keys in hand. I walked past the kitchen, meeting eyes with a smiling Harry. Seeing my bag, he frowned.

“Lou?” he asked, walking towards me. “Do you want some food babe?” He looked me deep in the eyes. Quickly shaking my head, I took a step back. “What’s with the bag?” he questioned me, still frowning. I shrugged, turning and running out the door.

I ran down to my car, and took off. Speeding to the airport, I started to cry. He’ll be so broken. I felt like turning around, going home and holding Harry in my arms, telling him that it’s not happening. That it’s all just a dream. But my feet carried me into the airport, and the next thing I knew, I was on a plane to the US.


Louis was gone. I hadn’t seen him in 4 days, ever since that incident in the kitchen. I should’ve stopped him. I should’ve known. Why else would he have a bag? He ran away. What a fucker. At first I thought he had gone back home, or to a friends for a overnight. But after 3 days, I called his family. No sign of him there. They didn’t even know he was gone, and now they are all worried too. I called the boys; they hadn’t seen him in a while too. No one had.

So, I called him. About 20 times, and he never picked up once. He punches me, I forgive him and make him breakfast and this is what I get in return. But instead of getting over him like I should, I sit here and feel bad for myself. I don’t know if he’s coming back, or where he went so I still have a chance, I think. Louis wouldn’t just leave me out of the blue, would he? I thought he loved me… but I guess not.

I decided should leave the house; go see some friends or something. So walked over to Liam’s flat, knocking on the door. He opened it up, inviting me inside.

“Hey mate.” He said, smiling at me. I knew he could tell I needed some comfort, and he pulled me in for a hug.

I started to cry into his shoulder, wailing like there was no tomorrow. I didn’t know where Louis was, why he left, hell, I didn’t even know if he was still alive. And he didn’t even bother to say goodbye. He left, and took part of my life with him. Rubbing my back, Liam was standing there doing what Louis should be doing. If he were here. Comforting me. But then I wouldn’t need comfort. I slowly stopped crying, and let Liam lead me over to the couch. I sat down and smiled at him gratefully.

“Want some tea?” he asked, determined to make me feel better, even if it is only for a little while.

I nodded and looked around. Why does Louis do this to me? He’s been rude and bitchy for a few months now, why hadn’t I dumped him and gotten over it earlier? Then I would’ve had control, never been slapped or verbally abused. Liam sat down next to me, looking me in the eyes.

“What’s up Haz? He questioned, probing for answers.

I looked down and mumbled, “I don’t think he’s coming back, Li.” I started to cry again, tears slowly dripping down my cheeks.

“Of course he is!” Liam said. “I mean, he could never leave you for long. He’ll find his way home.”

I looked at him, hopefully. “You really think so?”

“Yeah. I know so.” I smiled all the way back to my flat, happy with this thought.

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