Chapter 8

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Dun dun dun! May I present to you, chapter 8! so, here it is. sorry for not posting last night, I couldn't get myself to write! D; thank you all SO MUCH for reading, it means tons. also, this chapter is dedicated to defiantthrill because she is amazing and has been commenting, voting and all that shniz! plus, she wanted to see what happened! enjoy all you lovely people! :3 xo


When I woke, I wasn’t sure where I was. All I knew was the pain in my neck. Sitting up, I looked around the room. It had plain white walls and looked just like a hospital. Wait. It was a hospital. Then, thoughts of the crash came running back to me, causing me to panic. What happened to Larry? Why had I let him drive us home? Why was I so fucking stupid? This was all my fault, and I hoped Larry wasn’t hurt. It would kill me if he was, knowing I had caused another human pain. Hurting Harry was already bad enough.

Sighing with worry, I pulled the blankets off, climbing out of the damn bed. I stood up, but then became aware of the UV in my arm. Why was that there? I could eat and drink myself. I didn’t need it! Gosh, this was fucked up.

I gave the UV a tug, knowing it wouldn’t be smart to remove it, but I still wanted too. I was fed up with being in this room alone, even if it had only been a few minutes. I was stressed too, hoping no one had been hurt.

An old doctor looking lad walked in while I was still trying to pull the UV out of my arm.

“Excuse me Mr. Tomlinson, but would you not do that? It is delivering needed nutrients to your body,” He said with an annoyed look on his wrinkly face.

“WHAT THE FUCK!?” I burst, needing answers. I needed them fast.

His face developed into some weird emotion I couldn’t read, and he strode over to me. “Sir. I need you to lay down now.”

I shook my head no, my neck surging with pain. Who did he think he was talking to? I was Louis ‘The Tommo’ Tomlinson for fucks sake. Then, I realized I wasn’t in One Direction anymore. That I wasn’t important… disappointedly, I gave in. “Could you at least tell me what happened to Larry?” I asked, hoping for the best.

Instantly, the doctor’s face fell into some kind of sympathetic look. “Oh… well your friend…” he trailed off, looking quite sad.

“Well my friend what?!” I asked desperately, getting more worried by the second. What exactly had happened to Larry? Why was it so bad he was having trouble telling me? Why did he look so worried? All these questions flew around my head as he told me what I was the most scared to hear.

“He died…” The doctor said, looking me in the eyes.

“What?!? How?” I yelled, bursting into tears. This was all my fault… my stupid curious fault…

“He hit his head. It happened instantly, he didn’t even feel it… ” The doctor muttered, looking down at the floor.

I was going into hysterics. This could not be happening! Why was I the cause of pain to so many people? It was always because I was so selfish… I thought, burying my head into a pillow and wailing. Now, I had no one to go to, nothing anymore. I was lost.

A few hours later, I woke up from some damned amazing dreams. I was confused. What was going on? Was this even real? My head ached and my neck hurt. Instead of doing anything about it, I decided to ignore everything. I rolled onto my side, trying to get back to the good dreams. Dreams of Larry being alive, dreams of being part of One Direction, dreams of not causing innocent people pain, dreams of Harry…

Why was I so fucked up?


I had been half-watching the news when I saw it. Ex Member of One Direction, Louis Tomlinson Gets Into Car Crash.

Was he okay? Was he even alive? What had happened?!? The questions shot through my head at the speed of light, causing me to panic.

I instantly turned the TV up, staring intently at the screen. They weren’t releasing any info on his well being. But they were telling us he had been in a car crash with his male friend who was around the age of 22.

I picked up my phone and logged into Twitter. It was all people were talking about. #beokaylou was trending. I read through the tweets, and people claimed to have seen it happen, that they were both dead. I believed them. Shakily, I tweeted What happened? #BeOkayLou. Then, I texted each of the boys. They needed to know if they didn’t already... Turn the news on!

A few minutes later, I got a text from Zayn. Ill be over in a sec haz!

Sure enough, he did show up. We sat there in silence, each of us lost in our own worries. Soon, the rest of the lads showed up, and we all mourned the supposed loss of our friend… or enemy.

*I apologize for killing Larry off. it's not because I don't like him (although I don't), it's just because I wanted Lou to be alone. without Larry to deal with... sorry we never learned his secret by the way!*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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