Reunion with old friends

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I began my walk towards my area of my shared property with Sullivan. We had bought the property about three years ago. We sectioned it off between the two of us, he kept to his space mostly so i did the same. My favorite place to go was a small wooded area near my home, i found comfort in the solitude. Perhaps that's why i didn't mind being on my own so much. 

I listened to the wind blow through the leafs of the large trees, offering a breath of fresh air as i walked. It was slowly transitioning to autumn, it wasn't brutally hot nor was it to cold. The clouded sky added a chill to the breeze, causing small goosebumps to graze my skin. Looking around i realized how bold every color around me seemed to be. How had i never noticed this before? i had walked this path millions of times, yet its as if I'm seeing it for the first time.

A snap of a twig causes me to come to a complete and sudden stop. Listening around i swear i could hear faint whispering, but i cannot see anyone. 

"Hello?" i call out. Nothing.

"Sullivan? This isn't funny," i say with slight irritation. 

There was no response. Mentally i told myself it was nothing and began forward again. 

"Where do you think your going, love?" 

The voice sounded similar to an echoing woman's voice. Spinning around i look up to see a white creature in a red hat and scarf, its nails were painted a bright red and came to a sharp point, red spots where scattered around its fur. It gave a sick crazed smile, revealing pointed teeth. 

I was frozen unable to move as i stared fearfully at the creature.

"Whats wrong, dove? Cat got your tongue," it cackled. 

Before i could react it jumped from where it was latching onto me. I let out a scream of pain as i felt its nails pierce my skin. I grab onto it attempting to break free, but to no avail. I screamed as its nails dug deeper releasing more of the crimson liquid held in my veins. 

"You'll make such a nice plaything!" 

I felt my vision blur as i try and make one final attempt to escape. I squeeze tightly onto the creatures arm, pulling every last bit of strength i had i threw it off me. I could feel the painful tear of my skin as its claws left my chest. I stumble getting up 'ran' as fast as i could. I wasn't paying attention and collided with something hard. I look up to see Sullivan his shaggy black hair hung in strands in front of his worried face. 

"Sullivan, we need to get out of here! Now!," i say trying to pull him with me.

"Woah, Gypsy whats going on i heard you scream? Is that blood?!"

"No i just decided to throw tomato soup all over my chest, of course its blood! Lets go!," i saying turning to run.

Before i could get far i felt my legs give out from under me. Sullivan caught me before i hit the ground repeatedly asking if i'm okay. My vision blurred before fading to black.


Intense pain filled my body as I slowly came back to reality. My eyes fluttered open letting light into my vision. I looked around to see i wasn't in my home. I was in Sullivan's, i look down to see my chest covered in bandages and my shirt nowhere to be found. My necklace was gone as well.

"no, no no no no." 

Frantically i start looking around for it. No matter how much it hurt to move I had to find it. But it was nowhere to be found. I can hear voices from the other room. I slowly make my way towards the voices. Down the hall the light of the kitchen is on. 

"Sullivan?" i call hearing the voices go quiet. 

When no response came i walked to the entrance. I could not believe my eyes.

Standing around with Sullivan was the pest that attacked me as well as other creatures, but the being from my dream was there. Fontaine was standing with Sullivan.

"You're awake," Sullivan said.

Fontaine looked at me and smiled.

"There's my girl. Just like you were when you were little, not to mention a fighter." 

I stood there unable to believe what was before me.

"And what a shame you cut your hair, i loved that hair. Right Ludwig?" He turns to face a 'man'.

He was dressed in a long coat, dark rings were around his dark gold eyes, his hair was the same gold color. He stared at me blankly.

"This is Gypsy?" he asked in stuck up way. I could feel my blood boil.

"Yes I'm Gypsy, and that thing ripped my chest open!" i snapped pointing at the creature on the counter.

"Yes i know, I was the one who treated your wounds," Ludwig snapped back. I growled as he got closer. "And, i don't believe that YOU are the girl I saw potential in. That girl wouldn't have been ripped apart by that 'thing' who happens to be one of us."

I clenched my fist angrily.

"Then how do you explain the necklace, Ludwig?" A dark gravely voice spoke. 

"Easy, its not the same one. There is no way that this is her, Gypsy wouldn't have been so weak."

That's when i snapped. My fist collided with Ludwig's face, causing him to fall back. I pinned the large man down.

"I am a fool if i thought you where the being in my dreams that caused me joy. Thanks for getting my hopes up." I got up walking out.

"Well that was interesting," Sullivan sighed

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