Chapter 8

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At a circus:

Behind a tent, 4 well-stocked boys lay into Max because they 'caught' him stealing something. Even though they didn't find anything on him.

"Get him! No punch him in the stomach! Yes."

Max lay on the ground being beaten black and blue for something he didn't do.

He just remembered that he needed to get to the warehouse. Before she found him.

4 hours before:


'Yes, what do you want?'

'We have the whereabouts of the boy, sir'

'Get him here! NOW!'

'Y-y-yes, sir.'

The soldier walked out the door to relay orders when he heard his boss start singing.

At first, I was afraid, I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side
But then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along
And so you're back
From outer space

He just shook his head and continued on.

Max POV:

I managed to pull myself along the ground to the nearest tent and ask for assistance. A clown comes and gets me to the medical tent. After a few days in medical, I go back on the road. The doctor informs me before I go that there is a roadblock. I decide to go underground in the sewers.

After a while in the darkness, I hear water splashing. I stop walking, I still hear the splashing. which means only 2 things.

1. there's some sort of waterfall up ahead or 2. there's something in here with me.

What to do? I turn around and look as well as I can see in the darkness. I see nothing behind me so I turn back to the way I was going and continue.

After an hour, I stop at a cross section. I look right, and I just see darkness. I look straight and see a spark of light up ahead. I then look left and see darkness.

"I should have brought a torch with me." I think. "What if the straight path has a trap? How do I get out of it?  Are the people friend or foe?"

After a few minutes thinking about it, I decide to cautiously go straight. All I hear is a trickle of water.

After 5 minutes, I see a campfire burning brightly but there is no one around. It's in a cave like structure. I can squeeze past which makes me think that it's a trap.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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