chapter seven

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Jonathan got up in the night, needing the bathroom. When he returned to the bed, Daria was sitting up. She wore, again, a tank top and underwear as pajamas.

"Are you awake?"
"You're asking me if I'm awake as I am walking towards the bed having just flushed the toilet and washed my hands," Jonathan pointed out.
"Okay Smartie, I was just checking you weren't too tired to process external stimuli or something,"
Jonathan got back into the bed and rested his head on his pillow. 

"Can we talk about the other day,"
"Wow Daria, way to pick a perfect time," Jonathan's sarcasm was lost in his grumbly tired voice. "I'm sorry that sounded harsher than intended," He sighed deeply and turned to Daria who had placed her head on the other pillow. "I don't really know what to say, I am sorry you experienced the toxin again, but I told you not to go into the basement." Jonathan had always been known to be blunt with people. He found no way around that when talking to Daria. He just hoped straight after he'd spoken that she wouldn't lash out at him if hurt. 

"I know," Now she sighed. 
Daria rolled her head so that it was laying against Jonathan's shoulder. "I want to know more about what it was like when you got tested on."
Jonathan tensed. However his answer wasn't something he could keep from her especially after his constantly retrieving of Daria's own traumas. 
"Another day," He kissed her forehead. "Tell me something about you,"
Jonathan had told her about his past in brief. Daria had not.
Let's find something that may evoke repressed feelings.
"No, let's go to sleep,"
"Now you've really got me curious, what would you possibly want cover up? If you want my past can't I have yours?" Jonathan pushed against her head with his own as if to nudge her.

"G'night Jonathan," She said in a soft sleepy voice. After a few minutes her breathing changed. She was good at falling asleep lately it seemed.

"Well, I guess I'll have to put learning your past on my to-do list," He murmured, shutting his eyes for the night. 

Professor Fear (the sequel) - Jonathan CraneWhere stories live. Discover now