Lucas Devitt

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Race: Human

Appearance: dull onyx eyes, messy black hair, always wears a red scarf around his neck

Personality: Completely emotionless, social outcast, sarcastic, doesn't let anyone get close to him.

Weapon: A black katana with a skull on the hilt.

Semblance: Mark of Death: his semblance is always active. What it does is harm anything or anyone he feels any emotions towards.

Backstory: Lucas was just a normal boy with a life. One day, he unlocked his semblance after a bully at school pushed him past his limits. He not only accidently killed everyone at school but everyone he felt something towards. This broke him and caused him to lose any sense of emotion. After months of isolation, he was found by Summer Rose, who took him in. During his time with the Rose family, he was afraid that he would start feeling things for them and decided to explain his semblance to Summer. Summer and Tai were shocked to hear about his semblance but they told him that things would be okay. After Summer's death, Tai out of anger blamed him because of his semblance and Lucas ran away after that. To this day, Tai regrets ever saying that and has been searching for Lucas in hopes he could apologize. Lucas eventually started going to Beacon and comes face to face with a silver eyed girl who recognizes him. 

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