Which character should I do next?

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Which character would you like me to do next. You are allowed to request me characters you would like me to do but there are some rules:

-Send me some "facts" (lies) you would like me to say about any character of your choice and be sure to give me what kind of reactions the character and the audience might have and be speciffic

-Keep "facts" PG 13 or below. Nothing racist, sexist, or homophobic. It's okay to have something a little sexual, just don't make them TOO sexual to the point of the story being rated R

-Requirement/minimum of the amount of "facts" is 3. The maximum you can send is 8. It's fine if you can't come up with anything. I'll do my best to come up with something. 

Anyways, which character should I do next? If you have any ideas, let me know in the comment section below

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