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Know Your Trainer...Know Your Trainer...Know Your Trainer...Know Your Trainer

Serena: Um hello, is this where the Pokemon Trainer interview is?

Voice: Yup. Just sit yourself down and we will get to the interview.

Serena: Alright. (sits in a chair)

 Voice: Serena...never had the confidence to tell Ash that she loved him and didn't take her chance at the end of the Pokemon XYZ series (thanks Midg1234 for requesting this)

Audience: (gasps/laughs)

Ash: (confused and oblivious)

Sash (Serena x Ash) Fanclub: (cries) 

Club member: Why Serena? Why? Why did you have to be such a coward? And why does Ash have to be so clueless of love?

Serena: (blushes and gets mad) Could you please not bring that up! 

Ash: Huh?

Bonnie: Gosh. How dense can someone be?

Serena: Uh, I mean, what? Tell Ash I love him? I have no idea what you are talking about?

Voice: Serena...never really liked Pancham.

Serena: What?! 

Voice: ...she just added him to the team to get Ash's hat and Clemont's glasses back.

Audience: (boos Serena)

Audience member: Pancham hater!

 Serena: That is a huge lie! I wanted Pancham on my team because I wanted Pancham on my team! It had nothing do with Ash's hat or Clemont's glasses!

Pancham: (cries and runs out)

Braixen and Sylveon: (glares at Serena and runs after Pancham)

Serena: Now my Pokemon hate me because you!

Voice: Your welcome.

Serena: I wasn't thanking you! 

Voice: Serena...hates baking  (thanks Midg1234 for requesting this)

Serena: You know what?! That it! This interview is over! (runs after her Pokemon) Wait you guys! Come back! The voice is a liar!

Voice: Now you know...Serena, the girl who hates baking, never had the guts to confess to Ash, and only put Pancham on her team to get Ash's hat and Clemont's glasses back.

Audience: (cheers)

(Chestpin comes out of his pokeball and opens the curtain revealing me the author (aka the disembodied voice) and uses pin missile on me)

Me: Ahhh! I'm blasting off again!

Team Rocket: Copywrite infringement!

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