14- Connor's P.O.V:

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(While Connor is walking up)

" Whoah she's beautiful." I think to myself

Travis glares at me, oh, no he knows what I'm thinking. This is bad, this is very bad.

- time skip ( lunch Time madness) -

"ugh why is there so many people?!" Birdie says so everyone can hear.

"Because there is." Percy answers rudely says which is unlike him.

"Be nice to your sister." Annabeth cuts in.

"Oooh somebody's in trouble." Birdie says dramatically.

"Shut up!" Percy yells

I walk over to the Hermes table ,set down and try not to think. Travis walks up and says "I know you like her."

"Who is her?"

"Don't play stupid, I know you like bird."

*Kat walks up*

"Your busted and I ship it. Cordie all the way."

*birdie walks by to put her tray up with Connor looking at her the whole time.*

"Truth or dare, my cabin, 7' o clock sharp." Kat orders.

- Time Skip to 7-

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