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Warning: Smut

Narrator's POV

The entire class turned their attention toward's Rantaro and Kiyo.

"What was that? IT WAS ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE! Rantaro, whatever you did to Femboy to make him do that, KEEP IT UP!" Ouma shouted from across the classroom.

"I-I..." Kiyo's voice trailed off.

"As you wish, Ouma. Whaddaya say, Ki-Oh shit," Rantaro stopped his sentence short as he met Kiyo's watery eyes.

"Kiyo, I'm so sorry. I didn't think-" Rantaro wasn't able to finished his sentence. Kiyo ran out of the classroom just as the bell rang, nearly running into the teacher who had just walked in.

"Was that one of my students?" He asked. The class nodded and he let out a sigh.

"Alright. I'll introduce myself first. My name is Makoto Naegi, but while you're in my class I'm 'Mr. Naegi.' Now, someone go after that boy. I won't start class until all my students are accounted for. As for the rest of you, please remain in your seats and be quiet."

"Mr. Naegi. If I could, I'd like to go after-" Kirumi was unable to complete her sentence because Rantaro sprinted out of the room.

"Nevermind," she said and pouted. Meanwhile, Rantaro was sprinting down every hall of the school looking for Kiyo.

Rantaro's POV

'I've searched ever fucking hall of this school and still no sign of him. ARGH! I never should've done that! Now he probably thinks I'm a pervert,' I mentally scolded myself. Was I ever gonna find him?

"Hmm, I haven't looked in any of the restrooms yet. Maybe he's in one of those?" And so I went back through every hallway and checked each of the bathrooms. Still no Kiyo. Defeated, I began to walk out of the last restroom I checked. But just as I took my first step out, I heard something.

"Mmmm~ Rantaro~" A soft moan came from the end stall.

'My name? What the hell?' I walked down to the stall and stopped.

"Kiyo? Is that you?" I asked.

"R-Rantaro? No! P-please go away!" Kiyo shouted.

"Kiyo, I get that you're mad at me. You have every right to be. What I did was wrong. I'm really sorry. I should've just stopped when you told me to. Can you please forgi-"

"It hurts~" came a whimper causing me to cut my apology short.

"What hurts? Do you need to go to the nurse?" I started to panic a bit.

"N-no...I can't show you. It's...it's embarrassing," Kiyo responded softly. I put on a confused expression.

"There's nothing embarrassing about being hurt. Just come out and I'll take you to the nurse's office. Okay?"

"It's not that. I'm not embarrassed because I'm hurt. I'm embarrassed because of what's hurting."

"Well, what's hurting?" I asked impatiently. I leaned against the stall door. Apparently, Kiyo forgot to lock it and I lost my balance when the door opened on me.

"Shit!" I yelped when I landed smack on my ass. I screwed my eyes shut in pain and placed a hand on my bruised bum.

"No! Please don't look!" Kiyo pleaded. My eyes fluttered open and the sight before me made my jaw drop. Kiyo sat atop the toilet, his pants and boxers down to his ankles. His face was flushed madly and so was his dick which was standing straight up, hard as a rock. My shocked face morphed into a devious one, my eyes narrowed and a giant smirk planted on my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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