Chapter 8-

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Chevys POV

I look down a Dani. She looks lost, not there, dead to the world. I bend down and touch her shoulder. "Dani are you ok?" I ask.

She turns her head and looks at me. Her face is drained of any color an her eyes look about the same.

She doesn't say anything. I pick her up and take her to the front yard. "Damn it" I curse. Why didn't I bring my truck?!

I turn around. "Brandon I'm taking your truck and I'm taking her to the hospital." He wastes no time fishing into his pocket finding his keys and tossing them to me.

I click the button and his truck unlocks. I open the back door and gently lay her in the back seat.

"Dani it'll be okay. I'm taking you to the hospital they'll help you I promise" I say crying and whipping the tears away.

I get in the drivers seat and start the car. I turn the ignition and look at a standing Brandon blinded by the lights.

That's right. Be blinded bitch.
We finally make it to the hospital. Dani kept drifting in and out of the world surroundings.

I turn off the truck and get out picking up Dani and taking her inside. Once we barge inside everyone stares at us.

"Please I need help, now!" two male nurses rush over to us one with a gurney. The other nurse takes Dani from me and lays her down. The first one pushed her through double door as the other nurse stays with me.

"I will need you to fill out some paper work real fast why we exam her." He brings me the paper work and walks through the double doors they took Dani through.

I sit down in the bland waiting room. They sure as hell did a great job of making people sad and not want to be in a hundred mile radius of this place.

The walls are a ugly shade of greens, purples, and browns. The chairs match with cross weaves of those colors. And the carpet is a dark green. The chairs are hard and uncomfortable to sit in.

Big eye sore...

After I finish doing ALL the paper work I get up (my butt numb and hating me) and bring the papers to the front desk.

"Ah just in time Mr.." the desk worker girl bats her long thick tangled eye lashes at me.

"Clayton" I say rather quit rudely.

"Mr. Clayton. Dani can be seen now. She is asleep right now because of the medicine the doctor has given her but she is boarder like okay, if that makes since. Oh and here." she giggles handing me a piece of paper.

Her number. Really..
I slap if on the top of the desk. "No thank you, I don't date sluts that try and pick up guys at a hospital who are obviously here to see someone that is hurt" I say purposely drawing attention.

Her cheeks flair up a bright red. "Now, what room is my sister in."

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